laceration repair

  1. D

    Wiki Obstetrical laceration repair and ongoing postpartum hemorrhage

    Hi All: The note below is from a postpartum laceration repair with ongoing hemorrhage. I am considering that this would still be just 59300, but am not sure. If there is more I can code here, I'd love to be able to give my provider her due credit. It's a bit of a lengthy note, so I do...
  2. K

    Wiki Missing laceration length

    We have a debate going on with providers. They state that if the laceration length is not stated, we should code the lowest level for example 12001 where it shows "2.5 cm or less". I am not in agreement. I believe that the length of wound is one of the necessary pieces of information needed to...
  3. A

    Wiki When can an E/M be coded with 12002

    Hello - Any help or guidance to the information would be great. I am trying to find a document or something in writing that states when the E/M code is appropriate to be with a 12002 and when it is not. Thank you, Aimee ;)