
  1. L

    Wiki Coding Injury to Procedure Site S/P bipolar replacement following right hip fracture

    I'm writing up hospital charges for a patient who fell at the rehab facility after being discharged following right hip fracture and procedure. Initial write up states the patient fell and was bleeding from the surgical site and admission assessment lists acute blood loss anemia and right hip...
  2. B

    Wiki Work Related Injuries going to private health insurance

    I'm hoping to get some information from my fellow coders. We see quite a few patients with work-related injuries (that are not work comp). Many do not inform their employers (in many cases to keep from taking a drug test) or are self-employed. I seem to remember something in my CPB certification...
  3. T

    Wiki Non-injury coding for Meniscus tears

    I would appreciate some help understanding how to code for Meniscus tears that are NOT INJURIES..... Since we don't have the old ICD-9 codes for over exertion, etc would you code for ex: S83.242A S83.241A Patient states knees started hurting 6 months ago.... I understand how to code...
  4. D

    Wiki Medial meniscus tears

    I'm billing for the radiologist for an MRI knee and the diagnosis given is medial and lateral meniscal tears. The report doesn't say anything about an injury so I don't think I can use the diagnosis codes S83.241A? Correct? The report must state injury or current injury to use these diagnosis...
  5. B

    Wiki External Cause Code Question

    If the patient has an injury, say fx or sprain, but they state no known injury, What external cause code would be appropriate for this if the cause of injury is not known? The guidelines state not to use Y93.9 Unspecified activity, if the activity is not known. The only thing close that I can...
  6. A

    Wiki Tetanus Codes

    Which code(s) should be used to report Tetanus when an injury is involved, i.e., stepping on a rusty nail?
  7. T

    Wiki External cause codes

    Good Afternoon, My question is what is the proper way to handle and code no known injury. I was under the impression you had to have 3 external cause codes on any and every accident or injury. For example we see stuff like this all of the time. Wrist pain, no known injury My ankle has been...
  8. G

    Wiki Acute vs injury

    I'm curious if acute always implies an injury. Ex: Patient's knee just popped out of joint. Diagnosis includes a tear of medial meniscus. Is an "S" or "M" code used? Patient was not doing anything but walking. Thank you.
  9. T

    Wiki Subsequent injury codes versus aftercare codes

    If there is subsequent care for injuries, monthly PT treatment, should I continue to code the injury code with subsequent healing code or switch over to aftercare codes since the injury has been treated and the care is now for rehabilitation. Any help is appreciated!!
  10. A

    Wiki Thoracic Spine Trauma ICD-10 code??

    I am a radiology coder so I deal with a lot of trauma and fracture codes. So far I have found everything in ICD-10 except a code for thoracic spine trauma/injury. Not the cord, the bones. In ICD-9 we used 959.19, but they did not make one that was specific for the thoracic spinal bone area. They...
  11. J

    Wiki ???

    I seen this on one of my clinic charts and I'm stump... Chronic Neuropathy from cervical spine Injury w/ lower back pain-previous injury 2010 pt reports screws placed.
  12. S

    Wiki Code injury or osteoarthritis first?

    This scenario has been a subject of contention, albeit friendly, in our office. When a patient comes to hospital with the following: HISORY: MVA, injury, pain PROCEDURE: Left knee x-ray, 3 views DESCRIPTION: Adult male presents to ER with pain in left knee following MVA. Bone processes...