
  1. N

    Wiki Immunization waste

    Is there any way my providers can get paid for waste on an immunization that was not administered? We have had patients that have declined a certain vaccine after it's been drawn and now have to throw it away. Can we use modifier JW? Thanks
  2. E

    Wiki Best way to correct 195 patients that were billed incorrectly...

    I am looking for some suggestions on a situation that we came across this week. Our transition into eCW was rocky and now under new management, we are trying to clean everything up. Long story short, our Flublock had the wrong CPT code associated with it. Our system is allowing staff to chose...
  3. M

    Wiki New patient immunization or lab draw

    Our clinic sometimes sees new patients who only want a flu shot or and STD check. They only see the nurse. I know we can't bill any E/M codes for these situations, but can we bill these at all since they weren't seen by the provider? I'm a little confused about how incident-to billing works in...
  4. R

    Wiki Immunization Administration

    Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me with immunization administration. I am wondering if when billing 90472 (and it needs to be billed two times) do I bill it twice with a 59 mod on one or do it I bill it once with 2 units listed? The way it is being billed is with 90471, 90670, 90710...
  5. A

    Wiki Refusal of immunization

    Hello, I have a visit where the parent of the child refused the HPV vaccine, (no reason given) but allowed other vaccines to be administered. Do I need to code the refusal of the HPV vaccine? Thanks ;)
  6. B

    Wiki 90471, 90649 vs 96372

    When a patient requests a Gardasil immunization, the patient picks it up directly from the pharmacy. The patient picks up ONE dose of the vaccines, brings it to our office, and our MD injects the patient. Some in our office are billing 96372 w/ Z23. I recently billed out the 90471 alone and it...
  7. KHH

    Wiki Vaccines - I Am Looking For More Info

    I Am Looking For More Info On Coding Vaccines Ex:hpv,zostervax, Etc. Would Love Your Imput On Your Office Practices. We Get Some Immunization From Dhec And We Purchase Some Also. Kathy H. Hardwick- Cpc Aynor Family Practice, Aynor,sc