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Did I do this practicode correctly?
Thank you
Dx I chose: K52.9; R11.2; Z90.49
CPT I chose: 99214-25; 93010; 93042-59
DOS: 1/1/20XX
Time Seen: 10:23 Arrived- By ambulance. fentanyl and Zofran. IV and pulse oximeter in place. Historian- patient...
I'm confused but not confused on these Excludes1 notes, especially when it comes to Z00.00 excludes1 notes. For example, a patient came in today for her CPE and pre-conception counseling was discussed, so the provider coded Z00.00 and z31.69, but I know this is going to get rejected because of...
The documentation:
Why aren't the risk factors of "hypertension, oral hypoglycemic-treated diabetes, alcohol abuse, and a history of current cigarette use (within the last month)" reported?
Since the codes for ventricular tachycardia changed and gained a 5th character, they always seem to be denied. Both unspecified I47.20 and other I47.29. I can't seem to figure out why. It's on E/M charges, cath/PCI charges, EKGs. Practically anytime I use it, (and my docs love to use it) it gets...
Hello, what would you code for the diagnosis? The op report uses phrases such as "consistent with" and "likely" while the path report uses the phrase "suggestive of". I'm an outpatient coder so I'm thinking the only diagnosis I can use is R22.31. However, I thought I heard we could use a...
Hello, we are having Rejections and errors due to ICD-10 Codes coming over with different names/descriptions. IE M46.1 being Bilateral Sacroiliitis instead of Sacroiliitis, not elsewhere specified. We are even getting claims denied because of M54.16 being Radiculopathy of lumbar region instead...
Does anyone know the 2021 ICD-10-CM diagnosis code for "aortic root abscess?" I can't find anything looking in the 2021 ICD-10-CM book alphabetic index under "abscess" or "aortic root" or "aorta." I'd appreciate any help you all can give me. Thank you!
Zofia Mashchak, CPC
I was told by an insurance company that as per CMS Guidelines ICD-10 code R78.81 and F11.10 cannot be billed together. I am having a hard time finding information on the reason why. Does anyone know why these two codes can't be billed together?
The patient was seen for a sore throat and painful swallowing but the documentation says that the symptoms had resolved. This is the first time the patient is being seen for this problem, but it is an established patient. Z09 seems inappropriate since this is not a follow up visit for the...
We are receiving quite a few denials from Ohio Anthem BC/BS due to mutually exclusive codes BUT I'm not sure they are correct. E78.00 (pure hypercholesterolemia, unsp) and E29.1 (testicular hypofunction) is just one example. It seems since October this has been happening regularly. Just...
An established patient was seen to request a referral for weight loss surgery. A physical exam and ROS were done, but no other issues were discussed, just the referral for weight loss surgery. What diagnosis code should I use for this? Is this even billable?
Hello all, checking on ICD-10 coding for the source patient of needle stick to our healthcare provider...Should I use screening code Z13.89? Or should I use a medical misadventure code? Labs drawn are HIV, Heps, RPR. Any help is appreciated!
Code for elevated BP no longer present.
Our provider saw a patient with elevated blood pressure without diagnosis of hypertension. At the follow-up visit the patient's BP was back to normal. What diagnosis code is used for the follow-up? I can't find any personal history codes related to...
Our Director of Nursing has placed a Foley cath so a patient can stay in bed while a pressure ulcer heals. I've coded the foley and the pressure ulcer, but she also wants a code to show that the foley is for wound healing. I'm coming up empty...I don't think it exists. Anyone else have the...
In Chiropractic and PT, many patients elect to continue care, paying out of pocket and most often, providers are directed to use HCPCS code S8990 to describe that service. We have always been counseled to use one of the following, non-payable, generic ICD-10 code:
Z00.00 "encounter for general...
I need help finding ICD-10 codes for a Medicare patient. Our provider feels she needs IV Vancomycin due to a bacteria infection. We have had trouble getting intravenous antibiotics for her in the past. How can I go about determining what ICD-10 codes support medical necessity for the IV...
I am excited to put my coding skills to use in my new career. Though I have a medical background, when I decided to become a medical coder I had no previous experience in it. Through determination and very hard work I have recently completed my training with an AAPC accredited program and passed...
Hi everyone,
I'm looking for a diagnosis code for "Steroid Withdrawal". Initially, I came up with ICD-10 F19.230; but after researching online, I found that "All of these drugs (Narcotics, Depressants, Stimulants and Hallucinogens), with the exception of anabolic steroids, are considered to be...
15+ years of experience coordinating projects, administrative duties and processing large volumes of data in diverse office environments.
• Certified Professional Coder-AAPC
• CPT, HCPCS Level II and ICD-10-CM.
• Knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and medical terminology.
• Electronic health...
I am trying to answer a question on a test and can't use E&M, only CPT, ICD10CM and Modifiers. 97602 is the best match I can find but it's not scrubbing. All that was done was a dressing change in the ER. Can anyone point me on the right path, I'm at a loss.
A patient has been diagnosed with Hashimoto's encephalopathy (HE) which is a very rare autoimmune syndrome. Can you help me with the icd-10 code for it?
Is there a citation that states that an electronic health record cannot limit choices for ICD-10 diagnosing? Is it ethical to only give providers access to diagnosis codes that you know are "payable"? I am really looking for rules, guidelines or statutes that support diagnosis the problem...
I'm looking for sources/documentation or any information on the risks involved with having the ordering provider's ICD-10 code listed on the final dictated radiology report. Can anyone help?
I am having trouble determining the correct ICD-10 diagnosis code(s) for "Radiation soft tissue injury of the brain". One of my providers is treating a patient for this condition with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. He also refers to the condition as "Radiation therapy induced brain necrosis". I have...
Can anyone tell me if there is any literature that tells what the default codes are for osteoarthritis (unspecified, primary, secondary)? I have heard default is primary, I have heard you have to go to unspecified. Can anyone provide me with any proof/literature to support their position?
Can anyone tell me if there is any literature that tells what the default codes are for osteoarthritis (unspecified, primary, secondary)? I have heard default is primary, I have heard you have to go to unspecified. Can anyone provide me with any proof/literature to support their position?
I've looked through several physical copies of ICD-10-CM and cannot find Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. I see the R95 codes on the WHO website, but all of my books skip from R94.8 to R97. Does anyone know the reason for this? I'm trying to find out for my students. Thanks for your help :)
Hello all,
I recently ran into a situation in which I would like some other's input on the coding guidelines. In regards to inpatient coding, when looking at the ICD 10 rules you still have the same additional diagnoses (AD) guideline - not going to reiterate it for the sake of this post...
Hi all,
I'm trying to help a client who's a medical device manufacturer understand some strange data that they're now receiving since the changeover from ICD-9 to ICD-10. Before ICD-10, the majority of biological mesh usage in hernia procedures was for ventral/incisional hernias, but since the...
I don't know if I'm just overthinking this case but can someone please help me!
What is the code for Hemorrhagic abdominal wall cellulitis?
Thanks in advance!
Hate these F codes for alcohol as I am often stymied by this from the guidelines (emphasis mine):
The codes are to be used only when the psychoactive substance use is associated with a mental or behavioral disorder, AND SUCH A RELATIONSHIP IS DOCUMENTED BY THE PROVIDER.
Do you know how often...
What ICD-10 diagnosis codes would you use to code for "atrial fibrillation status post cardioversion?" I belive I would use a complication code, but I really do not know since I am not very familiar with coding for cardiology. I would greatly appreciate any help!
I can't seem to find a guideline for ER ICD-10 coding. When the clinical impression says " Elbow tendonitis" but then he goes on to say he discussed with patient that this is the likely etiology, do I code the impression or go back to the chief complaint of "elbow pain"
A hospital inpatient falls, but does not incur any injury or other problems as a result of this fall. What primary diagnosis code would you use? Would you use ICD-10 diagnosis code R29.6? Thank you for your suggestions!
I do not know how to code for sepsis Proteus Mirabilis due to a UTI. How do I code for this???
I did look up some codes in the ICD-10-CM book, but all I could find for Proteus Mirabilis was B96.4. This code does not include the sepsis. I am so confused because Proteus Mirabilis is a...
Can any one help me to find out the accurate coding pattern for Acute Laryngobronchitis ?
I would go for Split coding as Acute Laryngitis (J04.0) and Bronchitis (J40) .
Is this appropriate to code like this??
Or Acute Laryngitis ( J04.0) and Acute Bronchitis (J20.9)
I would like to get more...
I have over 10 years experience in Medical billing and some coding. I've had the experience of working remote and am very self disciplined and will be an asset to any company.
I'm not certified yet, and started the coding course late last year, so just got really going on studying the ICD-10. In the instructions for neoplasm with associated pathological fracture, it says to code for the neoplasm first, followed by M84.5 for pathological fracture. But the example is...
I am trying to find the ICD-10 code for an exploratory laparotomy where the post-op diagnosis is "no injury found" ... I have attempted to search for findings unknown, etc.. but have had no luck! Any suggestions?
Can anyone tell if there is a guideline stating to report neurologic deficits associated with an acute CVA? Is it found in ICD-9, but I can't seem to locate it anywhere in ICD-10. Maybe it's no longer there???
Thanks for the help!
Our patient underwent carpal tunnel surgery. Humana has denied the claim stating a modifier is required for this procedure. The other coder in our office & myself were discussing the fact that since ICD-10 has expanded diagnosis codes (like this one) to included specific location, is a...
I have a question about the use of icd-10 code O34.21. Our providers are using this diagnosis due to our EMR computer system being set up with synonyms linked to icd-10 codes. When they use the synonym: maternal care for patient with previous c-section, it pulls in code O34.21. I am questioning...
To those of you who are familiar with the problem surrounding the coding of keratoacanthoma (whereby dermatologists consider it to be a form of squamous cell carcinoma, whereas ICD-10 codes it as "L85.8" (other specified dermal thickening)):
Is it possible to code a malignant excision with...