hospital billing

  1. C

    Wiki E/M Determination between MD and APRN

    We have been having a discussion within our office with different providers and billers to try to determine the outcome of this needed situation. Our office providers routinely go over to the local hospital to round on inpatient and outpatient cardiac patients. Mostly, the APRN or PA does the...
  2. J

    Wiki Does treatment of COVID-19 with non-EUA drugs disqualify a hospital from receiving CARES Act or ARPA Subsidies

    I'm hearing rumors that hospitals have almost universally stuck with remdesivir to treat COVID-19, in spite of some doctors' preference for other approaches, because they fear losing subsidies if they use something else (e.g., ivermectin). It is my understanding that the CARES Act and ARPA...
  3. B

    Wiki Hospital billing help needed

    Newbie to hospital billing and I have 2 questions from a PCP office: 1. Patient had OP surgery but ended up spending the night (never admitted)....PCP saw her twice in the recovery area (he wasn't the admitting nor surgical doc).....can he bill a 99213 w POS 22 ? Or is another code more...
  4. J

    Wiki Medicare COB Question for IP Stay

    When a member becomes eligible for Medicare Part A in the middle of their Inpatient stay, how is the biller to submit a claim? The patient had Medicaid State SSI as coverage upon admission which fell to secondary payor once the patient was entitled to Medicare Part A. Is SSI responsible for the...
  5. H

    Wiki Physician coding for outpatient procedure

    Can anyone give me suggestions for coding and billing this scenario. My patient has a procedure done in the office every month code 53855 (urethral stent change) . The physician performed a different procedure for another diagnosis/reason in the hospital as an outpatient (22) on this patient...