home visit

  1. Y

    Question Heres a fun one -- rn in home & dr via telehealth

    Most important, we are a wound clinic not a home health agency. Traditionally, when we see patients at home, the billing provider and a clinician go to the home together. However, management now wants just an RN to go to the home and the billing provider be "present" via video telehealth...
  2. A

    Wiki Trigger point injection performed in the home?

    Has anyone had any experience or seen trigger point injections being performed during a home visit? Can these safely be done in the home?
  3. A

    Wiki Trigger point injection performed in the home?

    Has anyone had any experience or seen trigger point injections being performed during a home visit? Can these safely be done in the home?
  4. M

    Wiki Preventive Care and Home Visits

    I have a well child home visit due to the child having cerebral palsy. Would you bill this as a home visit or as a preventive well child visit? Also, they do not document why the patient cannot leave the house, however, it is documented that the patient has cerebral palsy, has homebound...