
  1. J

    Wiki Burr Hole or Craniotomy?

    I have a case of a subdural hematoma that was evacuated via a procedure in which, "A burr hole was made and a long craniotomy was fashioned using the drill. The bone was removed..." I understand that the approach is crucial in coding these types of procedures, and my initial inclination was to...
  2. S

    Wiki Traumatic Subgaleal Hematoma DX

    What dx for a Traumatic Subgaleal Hematoma, not a newborn Thanks,
  3. Z

    Wiki Rectus Abdominus Sheath Hematoma ICD-10 Code

    Does anyone know the ICD-10 code for a "rectus abdominus sheath hematoma?" I need help with coding this diagnosis.
  4. Z

    Wiki Rectus Sheath Hematoma Code

    Does anyone know the ICD-10 code for a "rectus sheath hematoma?" I need help with coding for this diagnosis.
  5. K

    Wiki Psoas Hematoma

    Hello forum, I'm having difficulty assigning an ICD-10 code to psoas hematoma. When I go to hematoma ---> muscle, it directs me to go to site under contusion. What site is psoas muscle considered? Appreciate any help!
  6. M

    Wiki Evacuation of epidural hematoma, lumbar spine. Wound irrigation and debridement.

    Hello, Not to long ago I started coding Neurosurgery. I was new to it, and I am still learning. I am getting the rejection for procedure below. Please help. DIAGNOSIS: Epidural hematoma, lumbar spine. PROCEDURES: 1. Evacuation of epidural hematoma, lumbar spine. 2. Wound irrigation and...