
  1. A

    Wiki 20694 Denied during GSP

    My provider performed a 20694 (removal of external fixation device, requiring general anesthesia) during the GSP of the previous arthroscopic procedure, and Medicare denied for being performed within the GSP. I'm trying to decide which modifier to use in this case. Any help would be appreciated...
  2. L

    Wiki Spinal Hardware Removal

    If the surgeon removes fusion hardware at the L4(locking cap, portion of rod, tulip head, and pedicle screw) in a patient with a history of fusion L4 - S1 can we code 22830 for Exploration of Fusion? During the procedure, the surgeon states "The fusion bed at this level appeared to be robust...
  3. S

    Wiki Hardware removal after fracture

    Just verifying one more time! If patient is having hardware from ORIF removed, I'm just going to use Z47.2 and no fracture code, right? Patient is not having complications or pain. Thanks!
  4. T

    Wiki Hardware pain with healed fracture

    I had a patient come back to clinic 10 months after ankle fracture with pain. The fracture is now healed and the Dr. dx the patient with hardware pain. Question do I code T84.84xA (initial hardware pain) and S82.841S (Bimal ankle fx that was the cause of the hardware)? Or do I just code the...