
  1. jkyles

    Wiki Drug screen claims on hold

    It's not you, it's the edit. https://www.cms.gov/Outreach-and-Education/Outreach/FFSProvPartProg/Provider-Partnership-Email-Archive-Items/2016-01-28-eNews.html#_Toc441643998 "CMS discovered systems errors affecting claims with new drug testing laboratory codes (HCPCS codes G0477 through G0483)...
  2. P

    Wiki G0477 with PMM CLIA certificate

    Need some guidance with new drug code G0477. We hold a current CLIA certificate for provider-performed microscopy procedures. Can we bill G0477 with the QW modifier when it goes into effect in April? We had found MM9502 dated 1/1/2016 that states "The HCPCS codes listed in table 2 (G0477...
  3. A

    Wiki HELP! 2016 in house drug screen g0477

    Help! Medicare along with other insurance companies are not paying the new G0477 in house drug screen code. Anyone having same issue?
  4. L

    Wiki G0477

    We are getting denials for code G0477 which took place of G0434. This is the urine drug screening. Has anyone else experienced this? The dx is Z79.899
  5. T

    Wiki Urine drug screens in office

    What diagnosis would we use for a urine drug screen being done for state mandated screening of patients on narcotics? We are going to bill the new code G0477 and thought about dx Z51.81, however we were unsure if that dx could only be used by labs. Any advice? Thanks, Anna Sanders Tennessee