fqhc billing

  1. M

    Wiki FQHC Billing Several Scenarios - Medicare Primary and Medicaid Secondary

    Hello everyone. I am hoping that some of our experienced FQHC Billing folks can help me wrap my mind around some questions I have with FQHC Billing. I understand all the guidelines from Medicare and Medicaid independently. However, we have all heard that we shouldn't change coding between...

    Wiki G2211 FQHC Medicare

    Hello, any FQHC billers/coders getting paid on G2211 from Medicare? I am getting denials stating missing/incomplete/invalid revenue code, do you know what the correct revenue code would be? Would this be included in the PPS rate? I am looking for concrete resources, your help is greatly...
  3. R

    Wiki Iowa FQHC Midwives Billing

    Hello is there anyone who bills/codes for midwives in the hospital setting for an FQHC? I understand the global billing its when the patient has Medicaid, MCO, or is self-pay that I am unsure what all we can bill for. I know being an FQHC also changes things. If anyone does this type of billing...
  4. D

    Wiki FQHC - Depo Provera and E&M

    I am looking for clarification on billing for an Office Visit and Depo Provera injection on the same day. I know that you can bill the OV, drug and injection for a New Patient when all elements of the E&M are met or even for an Existing Patient when they are being seen for Birth Control...
  5. C

    Wiki Billing for Acupuncture Services rendered in an FQHC

    Can you bill Medicare Part A under the facility for acupuncture services rendered in an FQHC? If so, can you please provide me with your source? If not, do you have a different solution? See below for the question from my biller. I’m trying to get more information on billing acupuncture...
  6. M

    Wiki New to FQHC billing

    Our outpatient medical clinic recently became a FQHC. I have been tasked with figuring out what this means for our billing practices, but I have no idea where to begin because this is something I know nothing about. We have been using the CMS 1500 forms for years, but is there a specific form...