
  1. D

    Wiki Settle a debate for me...

    The guideline for Z51.11- Encounter for antineoplastic chemotherapy and Z51.12- Encounter for antineoplastic immunotherapy is being argued as to what way it should be applied. One side is saying that these codes should be applied to claims for patients who are being treated for a cancer with a...
  2. C

    Wiki Z34.- vs Z36.-

    Can someone please provide me with some more information regarding the use of Z34.- (Encounter for supervision of normal pregnancy) versus the use of Z36.- (Encounter for antenatal screening of mother), and when it would be appropriate to assign on versus the other? I cannot seem to find...
  3. C

    Wiki Z34.- vs Z36.-

    Can someone please provide me with some more information regarding the use of Z34.- (Encounter for supervision of normal pregnancy) versus the use of Z36.- (Encounter for antenatal screening of mother), and when it would be appropriate to assign on versus the other? I cannot seem to find...
  4. C

    Wiki Z34.- vs Z36.-

    Can someone please provide me with some more information regarding the use of Z34.- (Encounter for supervision of normal pregnancy) versus the use of Z36.- (Encounter for antenatal screening of mother), and when it would be appropriate to assign on versus the other? I cannot seem to find...
  5. C

    Wiki Z34.- vs Z36.-

    Can someone please provide me with some more information regarding the use of Z34.- (Encounter for supervision of normal pregnancy) versus the use of Z36.- (Encounter for antenatal screening of mother), and when it would be appropriate to assign on versus the other? I cannot seem to find...
  6. M

    Wiki Signature for Progress Notes

    I'm pretty sure i Know the answer to this but I want to see what everyone else thinks. If you have a group practice and the Physician is out on vacation so a nurse practitioner sees the patient and signs the chart i know this is "incident to." The ordering physician comes back from vacation 2...
  7. M

    Wiki Home Services

    We do infusion therapy for some of our patients, but instead of doing them in house they take their medications home with them so that it is cheaper. They are able to do their own infusions without the aid of a medical staff or facility. We are on the fence about how this should be billed out...
  8. M

    Wiki Physician Review Conference

    When a physician is doing a review conference; meaning they are telling the patient the results of their skin test or any other test they may have done, what information needs to be included on the encounter in order for it to qualify for an E/M service code?
  9. C

    Wiki Sequencing ICD 10 Code Z51.5 Encounter for Palliative Care

    The ICD 10 code Encounter for Palliative Care Z51.5- does this need to be the primary code for the visit? Does this differ for Inpatient and Outpatient Visits?
  10. Y

    Wiki Z02.89 to report something done but not send by a claim.

    Hi: Somebody could help me with this? I have a doubt regarding Z02.89 use. It is an encounter for administrative purpose. Can I use it to report a HEDIS measure performed but not reported to Health Plan? i.e. A pt had an eye exam for Diabetic retinopathy screening, the report is in the chart...
  11. A

    Wiki Encounter After Surgery

    Neurosurgeon did laminectomy on patient about a year ago. Patient presents for post operative examination. No complications and incision has healed. I cant seem to find anything for encounter of musculoskeletal. Any thoughts?
  12. G

    Wiki Family Planning / Birth Control

    When a new client comes in and you place them on birth control, the Encounter for initial prescription is given, for example Z30.11. If the client comes in for subsequential visits and remains on the same type of birth control, the Encounter for Surveillance... dx codes, for example Z30.41...
  13. F

    Encounter for preoperative examination.

    Encounter for preoperative examination Is it appropriate to code Z01.811 Encounter for pre-procedural respiratory examination and 99214. The office visit was for a pre-surgery exam on a child that is having dental surgery under sedation.
  14. L

    Wiki Really need help! New at billing these

    Not sure how to bill this... Would it be 33210 and 33215? Pre-procedure Diagnoses 1. Pacemaker lead malfunction, initial encounter Post-procedure Diagnoses 1. Pacemaker lead malfunction, initial encounter Procedures 1. LEAD REVISION 2. TEMPORARY PACEMAKER INSERTION BRIEF...
  15. D

    Wiki fall codes

    When a person falls and has been treated at the ER and then follows up with their family dr should the fall be used as initial encounter? If a person falls and not specific to where the patient fell is it ok to submit the claim without the place where it happened?