diagnoses order

  1. jalabergeron

    Wiki Spinal Cord compression with myelopathy; Spinal fusion

    Hi fellow inpatient coders! I would love your thoughts on coding myelopathy for spinal fusion surgeries. Since myelopathy can change the DRG, I wonder how fellow coders would approach coding myelopathy with the way our op notes are dictated (we have tried to get more specific diagnoses but...
  2. M

    Wiki Cardiology dx codes

    Hi! When you are coding a specialty such as cardiology PRO FEE services, do you use just the dx codes that the cardiolgist is treating? Or do you add all of the other dx codes also? ie: pt has HTN, COPD, CHF, Ulcer on bottom of foot, generalized anxiety, Neoplasm unsp. breast, CKD, DM and...