
  1. E

    Wiki Why was I marked wrong? (Practicode Case ID: OPD7287)

    The documentation: Why are I49.3, I25.10, and Z95.5 reported but not the Plavix and aspirin? Are the former relevant to the patient's Metroprolol increase and the need for an echo, but not the latter?
  2. E

    Wiki Why was I marked wrong? (Practicode Case ID: OPD7382)

    The documentation: Why aren't the atrophic vagina and large cystocele reported?
  3. Ceci22coder

    Wiki Coding Radiology Reports in the Ed Facility Setting

    Hi everyone, I’m in need of some assistance and clarification. There has been different information in my facility on whether we are allowed to pick up radiology diagnoses that’s is reported from the radiology report. For ex from a X-ray, MRI, U/S and or CT in the ED facility setting. Some...
  4. Ceci22coder

    Wiki Coding radiology Reports in ED Facility Setting

    Hi everyone, I’m in need of some assistance and clarification. There has been different information in my facility on whether we are allowed to pick up radiology diagnoses that’s is reported from the radiology report. For ex from a X-ray, MRI, U/S and or CT in the ED facility setting. Some...
  5. M

    Wiki SI Joint Injection dx code M46.1 vs M53.3

    I sent the following email to my providers and received one positive response and one negative response and one non response. Reaching out to get your thoughts on it. "Good afternoon, I wanted to go over these diagnoses with you. M53.3 Sacrococcygeal disorders, not elsewhere classified M46.1...
  6. N

    Wiki Diagnosis Documentation

    Hi Everyone! I'm new at the whole auditing portion, so bear with me, please! Patient is 5 months post-op odontoid screw placement, no new issues. Chief complaint says postop visit and followup for odontoid screw. The doctor doesn't state "reason for visit" or any "diagnosis". Throughout the...
  7. J

    Wiki BH Assessments - ER Diagnosis Codes

    I code for BH and I receive BH assessments (completed by LSCSW) in the ER. I am having issues with the diagnosis coding. On one hand there are the diagnoses, signs, and symptoms the patient (or outside source) reports. On another hand the LSCSW reports different (or the same) diagnoses in the...
  8. F

    Wiki Steroid Withdrawal ICD-10

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for a diagnosis code for "Steroid Withdrawal". Initially, I came up with ICD-10 F19.230; but after researching online, I found that "All of these drugs (Narcotics, Depressants, Stimulants and Hallucinogens), with the exception of anabolic steroids, are considered to be...
  9. M

    Wiki Billing for MNT

    Hello, I work in an office with PCPs and RDs and I am looking for some guidance. We are billing MNT, ordered by our clinicians and billed by our RDs. How important do you feel that the order/referral from the PCP with DX is to the DX billed by the RD? Do you see any issue with the RD adding...
  10. M

    Wiki Oncology Dx

    Reaching out to oncology practices, we recently had a professional audit team come in to audit our records they stated diagnoses must be coded off of progress notes only, however in the past we have used pathology reports to confirm diagnoses. Can anyone else give us direction as to how you...
  11. D

    Wiki ICD code question

    I have a patient who is 28 days old and was diagnosed with Intestional malabsorption, diarrhea unspecified, and diaper dermatitis but insurance is denying because one of these diagnoses is not age related. I am thinking it is the intestional malabsorption and if this is what would you diagnose with?