
  1. A

    Wiki Provider missed delivery, but arrived when placenta was spontaneously delivered

    Our provider was not present in the room when the pt delivered, but she arrived as the placenta delivered spontaneously. Is it appropriate to code 59414 Delivery of placenta (separate procedure)? The description of the code describes a retained placenta, which was not the case.
  2. B

    Wiki Active Labor Transfer

    Ok I'm having trouble with these and am getting conflicting advice. Two hypothetical scenarios; 1. 38 wk pregnant pt comes to our ED with contractions, not yet dilated. Dr describes her contractions as "irregular" and states she's "not yet in active labor". We send her home and tell her to...
  3. C

    Wiki Postpartum care help

    Hello, When a provider provides antepartum care and delivers the baby but does not provide postpartum care, do you bill the antepartum and delivery separately? It seems silly to ask but at the same time it seems silly to bill them separately and not as a global when a postpartum charge is so...
  4. B

    Wiki Medicare 59400 with mod 22

    Hello, I have a question for anyone who can help regarding billing a vaginal delivery 59400 to Medicare with modifier 22. We billed it out with mod 22 attached since primary dx is O09.523 for elderly pregnancy and got this SMARTEDIT rejection back: "SMARTEDIT PATTERN 26411 MODIFIER 22 IS NOT...
  5. M

    Wiki Vag twin delivery

    What would I need to code for twin delivery and insurance is Medicaid. How do I code this since it is a fee for service? Thanks!
  6. B

    Wiki Nuchal cord in delivery

    When a delivery summary states "nuchal cord x1, loose, slipped over head" does that require the O69.81X0 Labor and delivery complicated by cord around neck, without compression, not applicable or unspecified? I'm in Vermont and Medicaid is denying claims stating the O69 code cannot be primary...
  7. E

    Wiki Old C-Section wound reopened

    Hello! If a patient is 2-years post Cesarean Delivery, and is presenting with a small opening on the corner of her C-section scar (no signs of infection)...Would it be appropriate to code O90.0 - disruption of cesarean delivery wound? Thank you!
  8. J

    Wiki Antepartum, Delivery, and Postpartum Care Medicaid Billing

    Hello, I work for a large Ob-Gyn practice and we were looking to see how other large practices handle billing Medicaid antepartum, delivery, and postpartum care. For example: We have a patient who we provided antepartum care by various providers of the same group, delivery, and postpartum...
  9. rpatterson

    Wiki Delivery dx code for uncomplicated delivery with high risk pregnancy

    ICD 10 Code O80 shows Encounter for full-term uncomplicated delivery. There is a note that states: ...This code is for use as a single diagnosis code and is not to be used with any other code from chapter 15. I have an OP Note for a patient that was induced at 39 weeks. She had a diagnosis of...
  10. L

    Wiki Induction Codes

    I am trying to code an induction two days prior to c-section. What would be the correct was to code this? Thank you!
  11. S

    Wiki Which code comes first on maternal record at birth....Z370 or z3aXX??

    Getting different answers depending on who I speak with so Id thought I would reach out to the experts here....When coding the maternal I code the live born code (Z37.0) or the gestation code (Z3a.39) first?
  12. M

    Wiki Precipitous Nurse Delivery

    I need some written documentation on if the MD can bill for a precipitous nurse delivery. We have trouble with our hospital not calling the MD in time for the delivery and the nurse delivers. Nurse delivers patient, clamps & cuts cord and baby is in warmer prior to MD arrival to the room. We...
  13. S

    Wiki Antepartum, Delivery, and Postpartum Coding

    If the Antepartum and delivery were done but not the postpartum care then do you have to code the antepartum and delivery out separately? Do you end up waiting the 6 week postpartum period to bill out the antepartum and delivery then in order to know whether to code and bill with the group code...
  14. C

    Wiki 18 Week fetal demise

    I have a couple patients who have had Cytotec induction of delivery, spontaneously vaginally at 18 weeks gestation. Patient was induced per cytotec, she delivered completely. No Suction D&C was noted to be done to allow for 59821 to be billed. I know I am also unable to bill for delivery since...
  15. C

    Wiki midwife home birth transferred to hospital

    Home birth with midwife, patient ended up being transferred to hospital for delivery. Midwife is billing 59426 and 59410-52 for the delivery. Should it just be a home visit for monitoring labor until she ended up at the hospital and not the delivery code? She later billed postpartum care...
  16. R

    Wiki Attendance at Delivery

    If a resident is billing an attendance at delivery and the attending doctor is in the hospital, do we need the attestation on the note as we would in all other situations? Thanks
  17. C

    Wiki Vaginal delivery/ placenta/coding assistance

  18. C

    Wiki OB Anesthesia Coding for Epidural with No Delivery

    Our anesthesiologist notes the following scenario: "How should we submit the bill for a patient in labor who had an epidural placed for 20 hours after which they decide to stop her induction of labor for a later time. So she had 20 hours of anesthesia for labor but no delivery." I am inclined...
  19. V

    Wiki Delivery ICD10 Codes

    How would you code a normal vaginal delivery when the patient had gestational diabetes during the pregnancy?
  20. C

    Wiki H&P billing after patient delivering the baby in the car

    Can the provider bill the H&P on a patient who actually delivered before arriving to the labor and delivery unit ? Followed the delivery the provider saw the patient ... ? Pls help
  21. C

    Wiki Fetal demise at 28 weeks vaginal delivery... Coding help

    can we bill the vaginal delivery code if the patient had a vaginal delivery for a fetal demise at 28 weeks induced by cytotec? and dx code as fetal demise with z37.0? Vaginal delivery: Spontaneous. Infant care: Spontaneous crying. Placenta: Spontaneous delivery, Intact, 3 vessel cord...
  22. R

    Wiki Birth at home then to hospital

    A baby was born at home and then transported to the hospital an hour later. The OB asked the neonatology nurse practitioner to examine the baby. The NNP documented a Provider Delivery Attendance Note but it just states "examination unremarkable and mother wishes to breastfeed after infant has...
  23. C

    Wiki insurance change in maternity

    We have a patient who switch insurance first she had 6 visits with first insurance. we billed 59425... with her new insurance she was seen 8 times plus delivery and post partum . can we billed global to her new insurance?
  24. C

    Wiki Vaginal Delivery at 21 weeks nonviable.. diagnosis code

    I need assistance choosing the correct diagnosis. I would appreciate if you guys can help. patient was admitted for having abdominal pain, her diagnosis was preterm labor, the next day patient had vaginal bleeding, membranes were noted in the vaginal vault. tocolysis was initiated a. due to...
  25. L

    Wiki O80 - should not be used with any other O codes?

    I have a patient who was induced due to hypertension related to her pregnancy, the induction resulted in a vaginal delivery with a single live newborn. ICD-10 indicates that O80 should only be used if there are no complications. The delivery itself was uncomplicated and the babe was born the...
  26. D

    Wiki Hospitalist delivery. Can I bill for my OB provider

    Any help anyone could provide would be helpful. Patient arrived at hospital in labor, her OB doctor was called, but it was a precipitous delivery done by the hospitalist. Her provider arrived one minute after the delivery and assumed care (was her OB throughout the pregnancy as well). The...
  27. C

    Wiki Postpartum preeclamsia inpatient visit question ( help)

    We have a patient who was admitted several days after her vaginal delivery for postpartum preeclampsia can we bill the inpatient visit and the sub visits? Thanks,
  28. V

    Wiki delivery

    Good morning! Has anyone ever had to code for delivery 59409 in the ED?? Our ED delivered baby at 39 wks vaginal delivery and then was transferred to another facility for OB care. No complications etc. Can I bill out 59409?? Do I need to add modifiers?? Thanks for your help! Vicki, CPC
  29. T

    Wiki induction of delivery for 19wk fetal demise

    If a delivery was induced at 19wks for an intrauterine fetal demise, is the delivery coded 59400? Thank you.
  30. C

    Wiki Uretheral laceration repair

    I have a patient who delivered her baby vaginally. She also had a 'uretheral laceration, sulcal laceration and episiotomy 2nd degree laceration repair. I know that 58300 must be done by a different MD (not in this case). I know that 56810 for sulcal repair is non-ob (also not in this case) -...
  31. hthompson

    Wiki OB admission to hospital

    My medical director has a question re: OB billing. If we admit a pt to the hospital can we charge for an admit or for the delivery only? What if they had an office visit the day of admission? What if they delivered over 24 hours later, due to slow labor after induction? Does it matter if...
  32. B

    Wiki OB Global Billing Question

    Jane Doe had Blue Cross until 12/31/06. She switched to Kaiser on 1/1/07. She had 6 visits in 2006 while covered by Blue Cross and 8 visits plus delivery in 2007 while covered by Kaiser. My thought process is to bill a partial prenatal global to Blue Cross for the 6 visits in 2006. Then bill a...