contraceptive counseling

  1. E

    Wiki Primary Diagnosis Z30.011

    Scenario: Patient presents to PCP's office for oral contraception initiation (Z30.011) and that is the only thing discussed. The patient's insurance is Blue Cross Blue Shield MI. In the past, claims have been denied stating the dx used is not a covered diagnosis with a contractual obligation...
  2. B

    Wiki Dx for E/M discussion of birth control resulting in Depo Provera scheduled later

    What diagnosis code should be used for an E/M discussion of birth control when initiation of Depo Provera is scheduled for a later date? 99212 - Z30.09? Z30.013? both? duration: 15 min HPI: Patient presents to the clinic for discussion of birth control. Patient was educated risks and benefits...
  3. K

    Wiki Woman's Wellness guidelines

    Hello all, We all know how hard E&M coding can be so I want to clarify what we can or cannot bill. I work in a public health clinic where we see women for their yearly woman's wellness exam. According to our nurses, we have patients who come in for their yearly physical exam. During this exam...
  4. L

    Wiki General Counseling versus Surveillance

    Scenario: Patient is new to our clinic with an exisiting Rx for Nuva Ring. She also request information on IUD & has s&s of BV. Pt was given a new Rx for the Nuva Ring, pamphlets on IUD and a wetsmear with negative results for BV. As far as the diagnosis coding for the Nuva Ring, would you...