
  1. C

    Bacterial Vaginosis

    Is Bacterial Vaginosis coded as N76.0 & A49.9? Thanks
  2. L

    Wiki Two practitioners, one visit

    A patient came in with shoulder pain to see our NP, who did all of the charting for the E&M(99213), then Our physician came in and gave her a trigger point injection(20610) of Kenalog(J3301) How is this coded?
  3. N

    Wiki ? abuse , use , remission

    so if a patient has doc. IVDA positive heroin and the provider states in rehab would this be coded f1120? I could not find any history if IVDA. I might be wrong but I thought icd 9 had history
  4. V

    Wiki Code order for home health services

    In home health care services what is coded first E11.612 or Z48.00
  5. A

    Wiki COPD and emphysema

    How is COPD with emphysema coded in ICD 9? I was asked this on an assessment test and it is a bit confusing as far as 491.20 is COPD without exacerbation which is COPD with emphysema with chronic bronchitis. To code it separately 496 states not to be used with any code from categories 491-493...
  6. T

    Wiki Coding E/M with NST

    Can E/M codes be coded with a non stress test?
  7. N

    Wiki Need Help Concussion Coding

    Need some guidance on concussion coding, patient comes in with concussion without loss of consciousness still having problems with headaches and fatigue referred by family physician, our provider coded S06.0X0S, I don't agree I think it needs to be coded F07.81 then S06.0X0A initial encounter...
  8. T

    Wiki coding placenta previa

    If the doctor only states in the documentation placenta previa, should placenta previa with hemorrhage be coded?
  9. C

    Wiki Sirs

    How is SIRS coded in ICD 10? Is A41.9 with R65.10?
  10. C

    Wiki CPT code for "flap thinning"

    We have a patient who had MOHS w\nasolabial transposition flap closure done Sept 2015 and is scheduled next week for a "flap thinning" due to thickening of the scar area. The thickening was previously treated with Kenalog. How would this be coded? I have asked the provider for additional...
  11. C

    Wiki C-section

    Good Morning: Need help, I have a c-section that the anesthesia record states she had spinal for delivery of twins followed by tubal ligation. Since i seem to be having a lapse in memory @ the moment, would this be coded as 01960 or 01961? Thanks
  12. L

    Wiki Multiple fractures - Can anyone help me on this one

    Hello, I have one where on 10/12/15 patient comes into the office for a 1. displaced metaphyseal fracture of right distal radius and ulna 2. mildly angulated closed left midshaft clavicle fracture Treatment Plan: Taken to Operation Room and had a closed reduction and percutaneous pinning...
  13. C

    Wiki Confused Units for 35476 for lower extremity (VENOUS)

    Hi.. I have a case where venous balloon angioplasty was performed on Rt.Common iliac vein, Rt.External Iliac vein and Rt. Common femoral vein. Please advice if this has to coded as 3 units or should be coded as per the iliac, Femoro-popliteal, and Tibio-Peroneal territory guidelines. Thanks...
  14. M

    Wiki coding I50 series

    We are recieving rejections for these codes due to it needing a primary dx. In the ICD-10 book it states: "code first:- and gives examples" Is this really no longer a stand along code? or is this stating that if the patient has one of these conditions listed, it must be coded first and then the...
  15. C

    Wiki Type 2 Diabetes Mellitis with ketoacidosis

    Would this be coded as e11.69 and E87.2 or E13.10? Thanks
  16. D

    Wiki fracture

    person who has a fracture was diagnosed with S32.2XXA and fell at home. This was the only code reported. She was seen in the ER and then came to see her physician. How would this be coded? Would this be initial encounter or subsequent? Could this be a primary code along with the place of injury?
  17. T

    Wiki 97597 vs 11042/11045 codes

    Hello I just started coding wound care charts on the facility side and the APC coordinator keep asking me for missing procedures (debridements) that I think should be coded on the physician side. Should she know this? Those codes are usually already there sometimes. When to use 97597 vs...
  18. T

    Wiki induction of delivery for 19wk fetal demise

    If a delivery was induced at 19wks for an intrauterine fetal demise, is the delivery coded 59400? Thank you.
  19. D

    Wiki E&M coding and psych

    I have 2 questions. The first one is a patient had an OV with nurse prac and then psych on the same day. NP coded 99213 and psych coded 90791 but the psych code was denied. Not sure how to code? The second question is patient was seen by psych dr and 90791 was coded but still denied. Not sure...
  20. Skinne

    Wiki Integumentary Coding Question

    I am not sure if I have interpreted this correctly. In the Integumentary section of the CPT book under excision of benign or malignant lesions (page 53 or 54 of the 2007 book), it says that if a closure requires an intermediate or complex closure, you need to report the excision in addition to...
  21. T

    Wiki ASC Coding 101

    We are opening an ASC in a couple of weeks and I have been asked to tackle the facilty coding temporarily until off and running. This is new to me as I have only coded for professinal services. Does anyone have any advice, information, cheatsheets etc..... Anything is greatly appreciated. Tracy
  22. L

    Wiki OP coding question

    Hi, I had a test question that I was shocked that I did not get right. Scenario: Patient had lesion removed from arm, path report states cancerous. The answer they stated is correct is to code the cancer code and 709.9 ? Ok I have coded for a few hospitals and was always told never to do...
  23. L

    Wiki MRI Brachial Plexus

    Does anyone do MRI Brachial Plexus? I am looking for guidance in CPT coding an MRI Brachial Plexus. It seams in my research that it is coded many different ways. (i.e. shoulder, chest, clavicle) What is correct? Thanks
  24. W

    Wiki Z-plasty

    does anyone have experience coding z-plasty? Please contact me at I have a physician that documented he did a z-plasty on a traumatic laceration repair. There is some confusion as to whether it actually is a z-plasty or a complex laceration repair. I have never coded...