
  1. kdabis808

    Wiki CHIROPRACTOR THERAPY BILLING: 98940 & 97140-59 (2 UNITS)

    Hello, I recently started billing for a new chiropractor therapy practice. I also do billing for another chiro; he bills 98940 & 97140-59 and gets paid just fine by this one payor. But the new chiro, bills 98940 and 97140-59 (2 units --30 mins thats why); and her's gets rejected as bundling...
  2. R

    Wiki Dry Needling 2020 codes

    Can Chiro's and PT's bill for the new dry needling codes? 20560/20561 It doesn't indicate this requirement in the CPT book; however, Optum Encoder's lay description specifically says the services is provided by a 'Physician'.
  3. B

    Wiki Manipulation and Acupuncture

    Hi I have a chiropractor that also does acupuncture on the same day as a manipulation. I am curious to know how people are billing these two codes together. I have gotten it paid (might not always be correct) with a modifier 59 on the 97810. I have also been told to put a 51 on the 98940 which...
  4. A

    Wiki Billing representative

    Chiropractor billed for his services the same day we billed physical therapy charges. Chiropractor services paid and our charges denied as max benefit met. How can we get paid for our services because we are different specialty. Is there a modifier we could use?