
  1. L

    Wiki Occipital Nerve Block, Facial Chemodenervation, and Paraspinal Trigger point injections billed in same visit

    Hello, We typically perform (TP/ONB) Trigger Point/Occipital Nerve Blocks for migraines and neck pain in the hospital outpatient clinic. The provider has added chemodenervation for TMJ on the same visit. Normally we bill 20552- XU, 64450 and 64405-50 for the following documentation: "The...
  2. Y

    Wiki Chemodenervation Coding

    The following muscles were injected. Below is what I am coding, but I am concerned about the trap muscle, it is not included in upper extremity area, but the neck area I believe. Is my coding correct/making sense? Do I need to add another code for the trap? 64642-LT=Lower Left...
  3. S

    Wiki ilioinguinal nerve botox coding

    My physician did a therapeutic ilioinguinal nerve block and neurolysis with botox under ultrasound guidance. I would normally code the nerve block as 64425 but I am having trouble with the chemodenervation code for the botox of the ilioinguinal nerve. Coding guidelines for the destruction by...
  4. C

    Wiki 64614 coding help needed

    This code for chemodenervation is used when giving Botox for dx such as contractures. When this is given to all limbs, my interpretation of the CPT is that this can only be billed for a quantity of 1, since the description includes muscle(s). Is that your interpretation, too? Also, the...