
  1. A

    Wiki CPC and CCS Seeking for a remote position

    Certified Professional Coder and Certified Coding Specialist seeking a remote position.
  2. P

    Wiki Inpatient Coding questions

    Hi there, I am a relatively new inpatient coder at a large hospital. Sometimes I just want a message forum to ask coding questions (about specific codes, or about the coding process or hypotheticals). What message forum should I ask these questions? Right here in General Discussion? Inpatient...
  3. Y

    Wiki CCS MediCal Modifiers -HA & -TG

    Hi all - I am trying to find guidance for the billing and reimbursement of critical care codes, for CCS MediCal. June 1st, the reporting codes changed from Z0100-Z0108 to the use of CPT E/M codes. Modifiers -HA and -TG are to be used on codes 99291 & 99292. By nature of the CCS parameters...
  4. C

    Wiki CIRCC / IVR Coder Seeks Remote Opportunity

    Interventional Radiology and Cardiology coder with six years of experience looking for permanent remote coding position. Credentials: CIRCC - Certified Interventional Radiology and Cardiovascular Coder; CCC - Certified Cardiology Coder; CCS - Certified Coding Specialist. Fully equipped home...
  5. J

    Wiki Learning Inpatient Coding

    Hello, all. I have been studying inpatient coding for a long time now, and I am getting to the point where I feel confident enough to sit for an exam, and within the next few months begin applying for an inpatient position... even still, I have moments that I have a question about something that...
  6. V

    Wiki COC, CPC, CCS-P, CANPC searching for a medical coding position

    VINO C. MODY, JR. COC®, CPC®, CCS-P, CANPC™____________________________¬¬¬¬________________________________ 3353 Dunbar Lane, Suwanee, GA 30024...
  7. N

    Wiki Remote Inpatient and ED Infusion and Injection Coder - CCS, CPC, or CCA

    Remote coding if interested in remote position with CCS, CPC, CCA let me know and 1-2 yrs experience