
  1. T

    Wiki XP and XE Modifiers - bill on each encounter? - Mental health

    Hi, I am unclear if we should be using XE and XP ( on each code for each encounter that qualifies. ) For example: Patient comes in and has all these services same day, one service by a different provider: T1017 1 unit 15 min - Case Manager A 90834 therapy session - Therapist B T1017 3 units...
  2. D

    Wiki OH BH Redesign

    is anyone in this thread involved with the OHIO Behavioral Health Redesign? I am trying to receive some assistance with claims issues
  3. K

    Wiki Psychiatric Injection CPT codes

    Are there any CPT codes that can be used in a psychiatric outpatient office setting for injections? (Invega Sustenna, Suboxone, etc) Should HCPCS codes be included with this also? Also, if a nurse is performing the injection is 99211 used alone? Would insurances reimburse for an E/M with...
  4. S

    Wiki ICD10 - Are nicotine induced disorder mental disorders only?

    When coding with the F17.218 and F17.219, codes for Nicotine Dependence (cigarettes), does nicotine-induced disorders refer to behavioral and mental disorders only? I have tried to research and get conflicting information. Some articles give examples of using this code if COPD was caused by...