ancillary staff

  1. T

    Wiki What are considered Medicare b Auxiliary Personnel for welcome to Medicare physical and risk assessment

    Hi Folx, We are a HIV/LGBTQ+ integrated care clinic who is partially funded by grants. We have received a grant that focuses on people living with HIV who are becoming eligible for Medicare b. The grant specifically focuses on the Welcome to Medicare physical and risk assessment. The grant...
  2. KStaten

    Wiki Documentation Requirements for Components of E/M

    Hello Everyone! With the new 2021 E/M Documentation changes, there have been questions that have arisen in regards to requirements for the HPI and Exam. Now that these components are deemed "medically appropriate" by the provider, that leads some to think that the extra the flexibility extends...
  3. KStaten

    Wiki Who Has Documentation Permissions per Medicare Guidelines?

    Hello Everyone! :) I am trying to put a table together to describe components of a medical document for a typical outpatient setting office visit and list who (per Medicare guidelines) has permission to document each one. In other words, in order to correctly bill under the physician, what...