
  1. A

    Wiki Reporting 99497 or 99498 for Advance Care Planning

    From what I can find Advance Care Planning can be reported with a Medicare Annual Wellness Visit. Medicare states that the billing physician or qualified provider must participate and meaningfully contribute to the provision of the Advance Care planning, in addition to providing a minimum of...
  2. R

    Wiki 99497- Group Setting?

    One of my providers has asked if they could perform Advanced Care Planning in a group setting. They would like to open to many patients at once. I cannot find documentation to support either allowing this or against billing this in a group setting. Does anyone have documentation or able to...
  3. K

    Wiki Advance Care Planning 99497-99498

    Description for these code state when performed "by physician or other qualified healthcare professional." In our situation, physician talks to patient for about 5 minutes and then sends the patient to the social worker who spends another 45 minutes with them filling out forms. Would this be...