1. M

    Wiki Is 99205 appropriate if 911 is called?

    We had a patient come into the office with severe hypoglycemia. The provider attempted to treat it but was unsuccessful so 911 was called and the patient was taken to the hospital. Would 99205 be appropriate in this situation even though our provider ended up handing the patient off to someone...
  2. K

    Wiki compliant time based coding statement 99215?

    Hello, We are having an inter-office difference of opinion on whether a time based statement for a E5 encounter fulfills the guidelines to charge by time or not, does this statement meet requirements to charge 99215 based on time? The note contains all of the counseling details and the dx to...
  3. kathymoon

    Wiki Coding a 99215

    I have an internist that sees many geriatric patients. As I am reviewing his charts, he is charging a 99215. The patient is coming in for a 6-month or 1 year check up. He documents a comprehensive history and a comprehensive physical exam. He is covering 4 or more chronic conditions that are...
  4. L

    Wiki High level E/M?

    Established patient with four problems - all of them follow-ups. Progress notes a short assesment of each one, and a treatment plan. One is a toe nail Bx, one gets an injection, the other two are treated topically. Doc says that because there are so many, he should get a 99215. I've got no...
  5. D

    Wiki 99215 ???

    I am reviewing some E/M coding and am stumped about these 2. Thoughts please. First case - 18 month old comes in one day and diagnosis is epistaxis and impetigo. Bactroban prescription is given. Returns very next day for WCC and cellulitis Lt thigh & Rt knee. A WCC is done with the following...