1. M

    Wiki Is 99205 appropriate if 911 is called?

    We had a patient come into the office with severe hypoglycemia. The provider attempted to treat it but was unsuccessful so 911 was called and the patient was taken to the hospital. Would 99205 be appropriate in this situation even though our provider ended up handing the patient off to someone...
  2. C

    Wiki 92060 and time

    The time spent performing a sensorimotor exam (92060) cannot be included in total time for visit correct? Provider is billing 92060, 99205, 99417 with documentation as start time: 10:01am stop time: 11:39am
  3. D

    Wiki CO 252 rejection code - what information are they lacking?

    Hi everybody! This is the first time I'm writing here. I have a strange claim that was denied with CO 252 code and the appeal wasn't successful either. The clinical was attached but they still say that after consideration they don't think that the visit is as complex as they need for 99205 (new...