1. V

    Wiki Echo - I11.9 indication - need your inputs

    Hello everyone, We have been having discussions on these 2 CMS links to check on the medical necessity for the complete Echo code 93306. 1. A57306 - https://www.cms.gov/medicare-coverage-database/view/article.aspx?articleid=57306&ver=32&= - Dx I11.9 is allowed only for 93308 2. A56781 -...
  2. A

    Wiki 93306 performed POS 11 by a mobile heart lab

    I work in fraud, waste and abuse and I have come across a new scenario. I have a question about 93306 billed by a provider's office in which the ordering provider works, the mobile heart lab performs and interprets the test. If the ordering provider is billing 93306-TC this seems wrong, but I...
  3. M

    Wiki Billing 93306 & 93880 In Office

    Hello just a little confused as how to bill these codes. I work for an Interventional Cardiologist. He contracted a tech to come out and bring the u/s machine to do these procedures in our office. Is there any modifier I should be adding since he doesn't actually own the equipment? Or is...
  4. L

    Wiki Echo read at hospital need payable dx

    Our cardiologist reads echos (93306) done at the hospital and many times we are given a diagnosis that is not on the LCD. One question I have is if we cannot get paid for reading the echo with the given diagnosis, can the facility get paid with the same diagnosis just because they are billing...
  5. C

    Wiki Cpt 93303 vs 93306

    I work for a pediatric hospital and have started working on an issue with the pediatric echos. If I have a patient who had a congenital condition that has been resolved or fixed, do I still code 93303 or 93306? For example, 1. I have a 14 year old who had a echo done and his diagnosis is...