2021 changes

  1. H

    Wiki Specificity for New E/M changes 2021

    How specific do providers need to be in there plan for these new changes? My providers are listing the patients diagnoses then underneath that they list there "plan." In the plan they will list continue viibryd for depression or continue Adderall for ADHD. In there diagnoses list they list major...
  2. D

    Wiki 2021 E/M MDM Element #3 - Minimal and Low Risk

    Does anyone have any clarification on the new 2021 E/M Guidelines when it comes to Element #3? I am having trouble being able to choose between minimal risk and low risk for a patient because they do not have specific bullet options in those two categories to pick from. For example, if a...
  3. J

    Wiki Changes to Consult Codes 99241-99245 In 2021?

    So they are changing the way outpatient E/M coding is in 2021, deleting the 99201 and only requiring the codes to be reported based on time or MDM, however I have not seen any mention of things changing for the consult codes. Seems odd considering the codes follow the same general principals. On...