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  1. J

    Wiki Psychotherapy codes w/new Telemedicine Synchronous Audio-Video E/M codes for 2025

    You may need to keep using the codes you used in 2024. CMS is not recognizing the new telemedicine codes 98000-98015 for medicare so many commercial plans, like BCBSIL are following suit and still reimbursing for 99214-93 with POS 02/10.
  2. J

    Wiki Psychotherapy codes w/new Telemedicine Synchronous Audio-Video E/M codes for 2025

    I attended the Behavioral Health and Psychiatry webinar today. No new information on the telemedicine codes 98000-98015 was discussed during the webinar, only briefly answered in the Q&A section. Not that helpful really. But all that is to say there is currently NO GUIDANCE to use the...
  3. J

    Wiki BHI audio only medicare

    Medicare is NOT using the new audio-visual codes (98000-98007) E/M for now, so the original 99202-99215 plus modifiers 93 or 95 would still apply, supposedly.
  4. J

    Wiki Psychotherapy codes w/new Telemedicine Synchronous Audio-Video E/M codes for 2025

    Just an update as with my other response. Our practice decided to stop using the new audio-visual E/M codes (98000-98007) completely as our scrubbing tool (Relay Exchange) wasn't recongzing them either and saying we needed to still add the 95 modifier, which is ALSO incorrect as the CPT book...
  5. J

    Wiki Psychotherapy codes w/new Telemedicine Synchronous Audio-Video E/M codes for 2025

    I'm at a loss as well and still waiting for my first claims of 2025 to process. In 2024 for BCBSIL we would code POS: 10, 99214-95, 90833-95 based on time for telemedicine (30 minutes). However the new telemedicine audio-visual E/M code 98006 cannot be linked with the psychotherapy add-on code...
  6. J

    Wiki Psychotherapy codes w/new Telemedicine Synchronous Audio-Video E/M codes for 2025

    What codes did you use in 2024 for the BH and Nutrition encounters? Did you use the E/M codes 99202-99215? The new codes for telemedicine (98000-98007) replace 99202-99215 when the encounter was completed by video telemedicine. So if you coded 99213 plus an add on BH/Nutrition code in 2024 I...
  7. J

    Wiki Telehealth visits and modifier for 2025

    I also am not sure what to do in our cases for Mental health for our Psychiatry practice which use medication management and psychotherapy. In 2024 we would code 99214-95, 90833-95, but the new 98006 code doesn't work with 90833, so insteadIi think we need to code with the 25 modifier on the...
  8. J

    Wiki Psychotherapy codes w/new Telemedicine Synchronous Audio-Video E/M codes for 2025

    I agree with you, and I came to the same conclusion that if commercial payers are using the new Telemedicine E/M codes, but the CPT code list didn't add the Psychotherapy add on codes for E/M then the only option is to use the stand alone therapy code with the 98007. I will try submitting claims...
  9. J

    Wiki Telehealth 2025 Final Rule

    I was only able to see new telemedicine codes 98000-98016 starting on 1/1/25 using availity for our commercial payer BCBIL. However i have not had any of our claims with this new codes processed yet so I'm not sure if they are ACTUALLY active yet or wont start being accepted until 4/1/25?
  10. J

    Wiki Telehealth 2025 Final Rule

    I have the exact same question. We are commercial only and BCBSIL does show the new Telemedicine E/M codes in their fee schedule in Availity but I only just submitted a few claims so far and haven't received any feedback yet. So i am also wondering if the telemedicine E/M codes wont technically...
  11. J


    99441, 99442, 99443 have been deleted for 2025 as there are new telemedicine codes effective 1/1/25 for both audio-visual (telemedicine) and audio-only (phone call) codes. 98008-98015 at the audio only E/M codes to use for phone calls now and they DO NOT require 95 or 93 modifiers as they are...
  12. J

    Wiki Psychotherapy codes w/new Telemedicine Synchronous Audio-Video E/M codes for 2025

    In 2024 and previously at our psychiatric office for medication management and therapy, our providers, all MDs and NPs, would code a typical 30 minute visit as 99214, 90833 for an E/M with the psychotherapy add on. Whenever this was completed by a video we would also add the telemedicine 95...
  13. J

    Wiki medication management provided to guardian

    We use code 90846 when a provider meets with a family member/partner etc. to discuss the patient's care and the patient was not included in the meeting. It's a stand alone code and can be in person or teleheath and has to be at least 27 minutes in length so make sure the notes are documented
  14. J

    Wiki Phone call visit

    My provider is also asking to use CPT 99214 with 93 modifier, but I explained if it's by phone call only and not with video included (like modifier 95) according to CPT 2023 we cannot billing 99214-93 and would instead bill 99443-93. However I know the rate of reimbursement is lower for the...
  15. J

    Wiki CPC-A Looking for onsite Chicago, IL or Remote coding and billing opportunities

    I am excited to advance my career in healthcare information management. I have over 10 years of experience in office administration and customer service, and I know these skills would go hand in hand with the requirements of a Medical Billing and Coding Specialists. I completed a one-year...
  16. J

    Wiki CPC-A, new coder, job help

    Hello Alyssa, Where did you find a list of local coding managers in your area? I passed the CPC exam 2 weeks ago, and already completed a 1 year medical coding program to help remove the Apprenticeship, but I still need 1 year of experience or will need to complete Practicode for the 2 year...