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  1. D

    Wiki D0145 with a well-child check

    Yes, we have successfully been billing this code and receiving payment from commercial payers with no issues.
  2. D

    Wiki Telehealth visits and modifier for 2025

    I am also receiving rejections from UHC and BCBS with no change when POS codes changed. UHC states "Report the status A (active) code that best describes the services provided. This claim has been rejected and will not be processed." Interested to see if anyone else has had success?
  3. D

    Wiki D0145 with a well-child check

    Hi, looking for some direction in coding for a dental exam within a child's well check. My physician would like to bill code D0145 during a well check for a child under 3. Notes in the chart indicate: "The child's mouth was inspected. Teeth were dried and a thin layer of 5% sodium fluoride...
  4. D

    Wiki Lactation services in pediatric office

    Hi all, We are also looking into adding this to our practice. Does a pediatric office with an LC need to update the credentialing contracts with payers to bill the services for mom with the pediatrician registered as an LC? Thank you for any advice, as we're a small practice.