Can anyone assist with resources that discuss the use of Residents in a physician practice?
I think there are a lot of moving, compliance, and legal parts to this.
Is your practice part of a larger healthcare system?
What services will the residents be providing?
Would it meet Primary Care Exception guidelines?
From what I have seen, residents in a private physician practice would typically be shadowing the physician, and not independently providing services. In this scenario, no billable services are provided by the resident, so billing would be done under the physician. Residents might take history, confirm prescriptions, take chief complaint, and be present when physician is providing services.
However, in a health care system, there will often be what many call "clinics" where residents function more independently (but still under the supervision of a teaching physician). In that scenario, the healthcare system should have the appropriate legal and compliance experts to advise.
Basically, someone has to be running the residency program and they should be able to provide advice and resources.