vulvar cyst excision 11422?

Newport, VT
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I wanted to confirm this is the correct code to use in this case.
Provider notes- "Initially, I did an exam and evaluated the cystic structure. The cyst itself is approximately 1 cm in diameter. It was on the medial aspect of the labia majora at the inferior edge. I injected under the skin with 1% lidocaine. I used a total of 3 cc. I painted the skin with Betadine. I was then able to grasp the cyst with a forceps and elevated. I used a scalpel to make an incision around the cystic structure. I then excised the cyst with the scalpel. The total dimensions of the excision were 1.5 x 1 cm. I was able to control the bleeding with silver nitrate. (pathology submitted)

I was thinking CPT 11422, Excision, benign lesion including margins, genitalia.
I wanted to double check because, we don't know if it is benign yet. Would I still submit this code? (I mentioned CPT 56605 to the provider, but he said, "no because I did more then that; it wasn't just a biopsy.")
Thanks, Desiree