Recruitment Advertising Page
Recruitment Advertising
Looking for great talent? Recruit from AAPC’s growing membership across the United States. AAPC offers several effective ways to advertise employment to our members, including job postings and targeted, specialty-specific campaigns for certified professional coders, billers, auditors, compliance specialists, practice managers, practice administrators, office managers, revenue cycle managers, healthcare business educators, and consultants.
Job Listings
AAPC's Job Center is the official online job bank of AAPC and represents the largest national network of healthcare business professionals, offering candidates and employers the most extensive and targeted employment resource available online.
AAPC the Magazine Print Recruitment Ads
See information on their geographical location, credential, or specialty. Download our Print Advertising rate sheet for specific sizes, specifications, due dates, and rates.
Download a Print Advertising Rate Sheet
Website Recruitment Ads
AAPC offers a variety of ad sizes and placements to optimize exposure to your ad. Download out Website Advertising rat sheet for specific sizes and rates.
Download a Website Advertising Rate Sheet
Exhibiting at AAPC Conferences
Looking for some face-to-face recruiting opportunities? Learn more about our Exhibiting Opportunities for more information on registering for a booth at one of our national or regional conferences.