AAPC - Advancing the Business of Healthcare

AAPC Advisory Committees

Our advisory committees are designed to answer one big question: “How can we help make our members professional lives better?” Here we meet regularly with the brightest minds in the industry to share knowledge, learn from each other, and make a real difference in the lives of AAPC members. The main focus is on professional development, thought leadership, and excellence across the board.

In the end, we create resources, provide industry insight, and find new ways to provide members with lifelong learning and growth opportunities that help them achieve success throughout their careers.

Auditing Advisory Committee

Jaci J. Kipreos, CPC, CPMA, CDEO, CEMC, CRC, COC, is the Director of Provider Audit Services at Coker Group, and an approved instructor for AAPC. She has over 30 years of experience working in the field of medical coding and auditing and has been a Certified Professional Coder (CPC) since 1994. She has acquired numerous certifications, and her experience includes a wide range of practice settings, with a particular expertise in auditing for OB/GYN, family care, urgent care, and general surgery. Jaci is also knowledgeable in Medicare Teaching Physician Guidelines and other Medicare policies, with particular emphasis on Evaluation and Management.​

​Nationally acclaimed for compliance audits, many have called on her expertise to assist their practice in the area(s) of physician office compliance, medical chart audits, and provider and staff education. Jaci was recognized as Coder of the Year for the State of Virginia in 2006.​

​Additionally, Jaci has been an instructor for over 25 years for CPC, CPMA, and COC, and is a Certified ICD-10 Instructor through AAPC for both ICD-10 CM and ICD-10 PCS. Jaci is a past president of local chapters of AAPC and is also the previous president of the AAPC National Advisory Board. Jaci received her B.S in Finance from Virginia Tech.

Auditing Advisory Committee Members:

Angela Clements, CPC,CPMA,CEMC,CCS

Lindsey Motter, CPC, CPMA, AAPC Certified Instructor

Wanda Register, MBA, CCS-P, CPC, CPC-I


Sarah Ragan, COC, CPC, CPMA, CRC, CFPC, AAPC Approved Instructor

Jaci Kipreos, Auditing Advisory Committee

Billing Advisory Committee

Christine Hall, CPC, CPB, CPMA, CRC, CEMC, AAPC Approved Instructor, is the CEO and senior consultant for Stirling Global Solutions, LLC. She has a degree in health information management and sociology, along with 30-plus years of healthcare administration and information management experience. She is chairwoman of AAPC’s Billing Advisory Committee, a skilled educator, and a national public speaker. Hall has a strong core in compliance, ethics and regulatory affairs, revenue cycle management, coding, credentialing, and practice management. She is a subject matter expert in specialty coding, risk adjustment, telehealth, and reimbursement. Hall has had the pleasure of working with many of the gold star standard organizations in healthcare such as AAPC, AHIMA, and various national medical associations and societies. She serves as the education officer of the Palm Beach, Fla., local chapter.

Billing Advisory Committee Members:


Vanessa Moldovan, CPB, CPC, CPPM, CPMA, CPC-I

Kimberly Jolivette-Williams, CPC CPB CPMA CANPC CCC CEMC


Christine Hall

Coding Advisory Committee

John Piaskowski, CCC, CIRCC, CCVTC, CGSC, CGIC, CUC, COSC, CPMA, CRC, CPC-I, has 13 years of experience in surgical documentation and the impact it has on coding and auditing. Piaskowski spent two years building a coding division for a local physical therapy group before spending five years auditing surgical records for accuracy and deficiency for a residency program at a specialty cardiopulmonary hospital. For the last six years Piaskowski has progressed from therapy and cardiology into general surgery, urology, orthopedics, gastroenterology, risk adjustment, and pediatric surgery auditing. Piaskowski is an AAPC surgical subject matter expert who has sat on multiple exam committees and is currently a specialty medicine auditor at Capital Health in N.J., a vascular surgery/interventional radiology auditor for AAPC Services, and a pediatric cardiothoracic surgical coder for Memorial Care in California.

Coding Advisory Committee Members:

Claire Stevenson

Linda Renner

Natasha Timberlake

LaTonya Atkinson

Sheryl Krey

John Piaskowski, Coding Advisory Committee

Documentation Advisory Committee

Sandy Giangreco Brown, BS, MHA, CPC, COC, COBGC, AAPC Approved Instructor, RHIT, CHC, CCS, CCS-P, PCS, is senior director of Audit & Revenue Integrity, Waud Capital Partners, where she manages and develops relationships with portfolio companies, providers, compliance, and coding staff; provides auditing services; and performs education sessions for both client staff and providers. Brown has more than 33 years of experience in healthcare and medical records management, coding, auditing, and compliance in the hospital, outpatient, and physician settings. She loves presenting and sharing education and continues to teach both nationally and locally in her areas of specialty including ob-gyn, general surgery, cardiology, anesthesia, E/M, oncology, and radiology coding. Brown is a frequent presenter for AAPC, AHIMA, HCCA, and others and she teaches courses for AAPC.

Compliance Advisory Committee Members:

Lisa Rae Roper

Annette Telafor

Kim Huey

Hailey Marsh

Sandy Giangreco Brown, Compliance Advisory Committee

Documentation Advisory Committee

Melissa Kirshner, MPH, CPC, CDEO, CRC, CFPC, CPMA, AAPC Approved Instructor, AAPC Fellow, has been involved in the healthcare world for over 30 years, with experience in billing, coding, auditing, education, practice management, and risk adjustment. She is a passionate educator for both the AAPC Live Virtual Instructor team as well as for her private Certified Professional Coder (CPC)® students. Kirshner serves on the AAPC Documentation Advisory Committee and is a founding member of the Novi, Mich., local chapter.

Documentation Advisory Committee Members:

Chelsea Kemp, RHIA, CCS, COC, CPC, CDEO, CRC, CPMA, CCC, CEDC, CGIC, AAPC Approved Instructor


Julie Davis, CPC, COC, CRC, CPMA, CPCO, CDEO, Approved Instructor

Elizabeth Herbert, RHIA, CPC, CPMA, CRC, CCC, CPC-I

Melissa Kirshner, Documentation Advisory Committee