Wiki Renewed but Validation appears to be Non member

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Can anyone help me with my problem?
I renewed my license and Membership the day of its expiry last year, I can access my profile in AAPC without any restrictions. As I am hired now, my employer ran a validation check with my ID and I appear to be a non-member, I already emailed the AAPC 2 weeks ago and there was no reply on their end. I really need to resolve this issue.
Can anyone help me with my problem?
I renewed my license and Membership the day of its expiry last year, I can access my profile in AAPC without any restrictions. As I am hired now, my employer ran a validation check with my ID and I appear to be a non-member, I already emailed the AAPC 2 weeks ago and there was no reply on their end. I really need to resolve this issue.
You should call them at 800-626-2933 - I've found that they've always been helpful and responsive when I've contacted them by phone, but they seem to have issues with responding to emails for some reason. They don't monitor these forum posts regularly so you're not likely to get help for your problem here.
I have found calling and Live Chat to be the most helpful when contacting them. Under the circumstances, I'd be on the phone without hesitation getting this straightened out.

Have you checked the verification results yourself? It's always possible your employer is transposing a number or entering the wrong email address for you. Go to and DO NOT sign in to your account. Scroll down the page to the Credential Validation section and plug in your information to see the verification results for yourself.
Hi Team,
I renewed my license and Membership today, I can access my profile in AAPC without any restrictions. I ran a validation check with my ID and I appear to be a non-member. I really need to resolve this issue.
Hi Team,
I renewed my license and Membership today, I can access my profile in AAPC without any restrictions. I ran a validation check with my ID and I appear to be a non-member. I really need to resolve this issue.
You must contact AAPC directly. This is just a forum for members to chat with each other.
I agree with Christine that your best best is to contact AAPC. However, I'd also add that on the validation screen you need to type your information exactly as it is listed with AAPC. If it doesn't match exactly what is on AAPC's record, it will show as a non-member.

If you're validating with the Member ID and Last Name option, make sure your Member ID is exactly correct and that the last name matches exactly what's on your AAPC account. (Some people may have hyphens, or still have a maiden name on their AAPC account, etc. - that's what needs to be typed in exactly.)

If you're validating with the Email Address and Last Name option, make sure you're using the exact email address that is on your AAPC account.