Wiki Modifier 62?


True Blue
Overland Park, KS
Best answers
Quick question please on the use of modifier 62 for co-surgeons specifically as it relates to plastics.... if two plastic surgeons of the same specialty are performing a breast procedure simultaneously, one on the left breast and one on the right breast (same procedure) how is this coded? Would it be ...

1xxxx LT (surgeon one)
1xxxx RT (surgeon two)


1xxxx 62 LT (surgeon one)
1xxxx 62 RT (surgeon two)

The issue seems to be the definition of co-surgeons. The surgeons are under the impression that in the above scenario, they would not bill this as co-surgeons, but each surgeons bills their piece as primary (as in the first example). I say this is indeed co-surgeons and modifier 62 should be used. Also, can you be co-surgeons in the same specialty?

This would not be "Co-Surgery". Each provider would bill for the procedure they performed. This happens in orthopedics fairly frequently. One ortho surgeon may perform surgery on an ankle while another performs a procedure on their elbow/wrist or hand.