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How to Be Successful Working Remotely

Presenter Amber Nicole Molpus, CPC, CIRCC
Broadcast Date 8/8/2018
Time 10:00am PT / 11:00am MT / 12:00pm CT / 1:00pm ET
Presentation Length 60 minutes
Price $65 (Non-members $85)
How to Be Successful Working Remotely Webinar

Learn more about this event

Working remotely is an ever-increasing opportunity for employers and their employees. What are the challenges that will be encountered and how can these be resolved, how great are the benefits? Remote employees want to ensure they are providing quality work and effort to their employer and at the same time securing their position without the benefit of daily face-to-face encounters. Keys to doing so will be discussed in this webinar.

Why is this topic important?
Working remotely creates both personal and professional challenges that are new and unique. It can bring great benefits to our personal lives and to the company we work with but how we cope with these challenges can make or break this rare opportunity.

Who would benefit from this topic?
Are you seeking to turn your current job into a full or part-time remote position from home but are unsure of how to discuss this with a manager or boss? Are you an employer already with or looking to employ remote workers and you would like to improve productivity? This webinar can give you a starting point on the qualities needed and the benefits that can be obtained.

How would this benefit the individual and/or their company?
Working remotely or from home creates a calmer environment for workers and saves valuable commute time. Companies that employ remote workers can save money by needing smaller office spaces and reducing overhead expenses. Open the doors to your company by employing the best creative minds in the World, not just your community. Find employees that believe in your company and work hard to keep their clients happy, because they are happy in their remote work.

What information or new skills will the attendee take away from this webinar?
Prepare your mind with understanding the challenges that working Remotely can present to you and be ready with the tools to be able to face it with success. Learn the qualities that make a great, productive worker that a company can rely on and trust with a remote work situation. Learn how to establish yourself as a solid part of the Company you work for, creating interactions without the usual face-to-face time. Communication skills via Email and Phone will be discussed as well as making a positive impression with the limited interaction we have from a remote position.

Why is the presenter the expert on this topic?
Working remotely from her home and during vacations with her family over the last 14 years, Amber has encountered the challenges both personal and professional and met them with success. It is possible that by developing just a few appealing personal qualities and with open communication with your Managers/Companies to create the job situation and schedule that you desire so that you can thrive and enjoy the work you do.

Amber Nicole Molpus, CPC, CIRCC

About The Author

Amber Nicole Molpus, CPC, CIRCC

I have worked from a Basic Coding course and through Education and Hard work earned the CIRCC credential and have advanced for 12 years as a Senior Medical Coder in the IVR group.  I have worked Remotely for 12 years and had to adjust my expectations of it over that time. 


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