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From Nuts to Bolts: The Impact of Each Step in the Revenue Cycle

Presenter Vanessa Lorraine Moldovan, CPC, CPMA, CPPM, CPC-I
Broadcast Date 4/22/2020
Time 10:00am PT / 11:00am MT / 12:00pm CT / 1:00pm ET
Presentation Length 60 minutes
Price $65 (Non-members $85)
From Nuts to Bolts: The Impact of Each Step in the Revenue Cycle Webinar

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This webinar will cover a general overview of the steps in the revenue cycle: appointment scheduling, registration, charge capture/entry, coding, payment posting, claims, accounts receivable and reporting. We will then learn how each step impacts the other by reviewing some examples of how an error in one may have an affect on another.

Why is this topic important?
I believe that every employee can be better at their job if they understand the foundation of what they do. In revenue cycle, a financial analyst will be much better at their job if they understand the process. A coder will be better at their job if they understand the impact that their code selection has on the AR Follow-up team. The list is endless. The revenue cycle within an organization can be most effective when everyone works as a team. It is important that each person be excellent at their particular function, but it is more important that they do not excel at the expense of their fellow revenue cycle team members.

Who would benefit from this topic?
Anyone whose current role is within physician revenue cycle or they want to be a part of it but are not sure which one they would like to pursue. This webinar would also benefit someone who manages, monitors or submits reporting/KPIs/best practices for individuals involved in the revenue cycle.

What information or new skills will the attendee take away from this webinar?
The attendee will walk away with a better understanding of the impact that their daily functions/duties has on the overall revenue cycle within their organization. Some of us lose our passion and drive because we get lost in our daily tasks and lose sight of our overall impact.

Why is the presenter the expert on this topic?
Vanessa has spent over 15 years working within the physician revenue cycle. She has personally performed and audited each function. She has also had the wonderful opportunity to take part in a 2 year project to review all of the internal functions of a third party physician practice and revenue cycle management company. Part of this project not only included helping each person improve their individual role, but also to educate each department on the importance of that role and their impact on the revenue growth of the client and the organization.

Vanessa Lorraine Moldovan, CPC, CPMA, CPPM, CPC-I

About The Author

Vanessa Lorraine Moldovan, CPC, CPMA, CPPM, CPC-I

Vanessa Moldovan’s focus for more than 17 years has been on education and the physician revenue cycle. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Healthcare Administration from Ashford University. Moldovan has worked as a revenue cycle assessor, a revenue cycle manager, an executive account manager, and a consultant. She served as president of the Des Plaines, Illinois, local chapter from 2014-2017, and is the educational officer.

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