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Endoscopy Coding for Gastroenterology With Screening

Presenter Terry A Fletcher, CPC, CCC, CEMC
Broadcast Date 3/9/2022
Time 10:00am PT / 11:00am MT / 12:00pm CT / 1:00pm ET
Presentation Length 60 minutes
Price $65 (Non-members $85)
Endoscopy Coding for Gastroenterology With Screening Webinar

Gastroenterology Coding Webinar: Mastering Upper and Lower GI Endoscopy Procedures

The Gastroenterology Screening and Diagnostic Endoscopy coding Webinar will focus on upper and lower GI endoscopy procedural coding, multiple procedures performed on the same date, and how to utilize the -X modifiers to help descript specific encounters and maximize reimbursement. Endoscopy coding to be discussed, include, EGD’s, ERCP’s, Colonoscopies and new screening rules.

Why is this topic important?
2022 is the first time in a couple of years we have had an update for Gastroenterology. These updates include, the new Drug Induced Sleep Endoscopy code, new screening regulations, and new modifiers for 2022. All of these topics will impact the Gastroenterology specialty in 2022 and their reimbursement.

Who would benefit from this topic?
Coders, Billers, Collectors, Providers, Clinicians, Administrators

What information or new skills will the attendee take away from this webinar?
■ Expertise in coding multiple endoscopies, and using the best modifiers
■ Screening vs. Diagnostic Colonoscopies – a clearer understanding
■ New CCE in 2022 - Colon Capsule Endoscopy from Cat III to Cat 1 CPT® -explanations
■ How to report for Moderate Conscious Sedation vs. Monitored Sedation of Endoscopy procedures
■ When choosing the diagnosis, be sure to review the Path & Lab report
■ Screening Colonoscopies, the 2022 rules and frequency guidelines

What is the presenter's background/expertise on this topic?
Terry has been a SME in Gastroenterology Coding for the past 20-years and has a certification in GI coding as well as the CPC. She is also the author of the Gastroenterology Coding Recourse eBook.

Terry A Fletcher, CPC, CCC, CEMC

About The Author

Terry A Fletcher, CPC, CCC, CEMC

Ms. Terry Fletcher joins us in her 25th year of coding and billing experience. She is the President and CEO of Terry Fletcher Consulting, Inc. and a McVey Seminar Leader. She teaches over 100 + specialty coding seminars, teleconferences and workshops every year. Ms. Fletcher also works with thousands of practices around the country, keeping them current, educated, and compliant in their coding while maximizing their reimbursement. She holds a bachelors degree in economics and multiple certifications in coding; CPC, CCC, CEMC, CMSCS, CCS-P, CCS, CMC.

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