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Dissecting Complex Surgery Reports

Presenter Tyler Griffeth, CPC, CPRC
Broadcast Date 3/23/2022
Time 10:00am PT / 11:00am MT / 12:00pm CT / 1:00pm ET
Presentation Length 60 minutes
Price $65 (Non-members $85)
Dissecting Complex Surgery Reports Webinar

Learn More About Dissecting Complex Surgery Reports

Have you ever stared with anxiety at a 4-page operative report your provider performed and wondered how you can ever tackle coding such a monumental note? We will look at a few operative reports just like this and I will impart all the tips and tricks I have gained in over 17 years’ experience coding over multiple surgical specialties. Online and specialty specific resources will be shared. Maximizing the coding of these operative reports can be the best way to appropriately capture your clinics coding revenue.

Why is this topic important?
Attendees will learn skills that will help them with what most coders consider the most challenging part of their job – breaking down and coding complex and costly operative notes. Coding optimization is a focus around the country, considering the current stressful economic times.

Who would benefit from this topic?
Anyone from any specialty that deals with coding complex operative reports.

What information or new skills will the attendee take away from this webinar?
Attendees can expect to learn:
-Tips for beginning to tackle a complex note and what to do in the thick of things.
-How to make sure that you’ve gotten everything
-What online resources are available to help, and who you can trust.

Tyler Griffeth, CPC, CPRC

About The Author

Tyler Griffeth, CPC, CPRC

Tyler Griffeth has been employed as a Coding Consultant for Intermountain Health Care for 11 years. During that time he has written coding recommendations, devised best practices across numerous specialties and presented to hundreds of Physicians, management and their staff regarding coding audits, guidelines, and updates.  He recently graduated from Gonzaga University with a Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership. He holds two National Coding Certifications with the AAPC. He has held his Certified Professional Coder (CPC) certification for the last 9 years and also has a Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery Coding (CPRC) Certification. What he currently enjoys most, is being a father of three young boys and sharing them with a sweetheart of over 13 years. 

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