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COVID-19 Pulmonary Complications & Ventilator Management

Presenter Louis Jimenez, RRT, CHT
Broadcast Date 11/4/2020
Time 10:00am PT / 11:00am MT / 12:00pm CT / 1:00pm ET
Presentation Length 60 minutes
Price $65 (Non-members $85)
COVID-19 Pulmonary Complications & Ventilator Management Webinar

Learn more about this event

This webinar will cover the pulmonary complications associated with COVID-19. We'll review normal pulmonary physiology followed by restrictive pulmonary pathologies associated with COVID-19, including pneumonitis, pneumonias, ventilator acquired pneumonia, and Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome. We'll also discuss basic ventilator functions as they relate to ventilator modes, ventilator settings, positive pressure, and enhanced oxygenation modalities, followed by the challenges posed by restrictive disease and how those challenges are met through management of the airway and the ventilator.

Why is this topic important?
This subject covers COVID-19, a respiratory virus that falls under pulmonary restrictive disease classification. This webinar will discuss how restrictive pathologies afect lung function, and the oxygenation challenges associated with managing patients who require an artificial airway and mechanical ventilation.

Who would benefit from this topic?
Coding professionals who work in specialties that see patients who acquire both acute and chronic pulmonary diseases.

What information or new skills will the attendee take away from this webinar?
The attendee will become familiar with normal lung functions, restrictive disease pattern, intubation, artificial airways, basic ventilator function, and challenges associated with life-threatening acute pulmonary pathologies.

What's the presenter's background/expertise on this topic?
Louis is a Registered Respiratory Therapist, with experience in adult and neonatal critical care from 1973 to present. He is experienced in education as a Respiratory Therapy program didactic instructor and also served as a program director. He also has worked as a respiratory therapy critical care supervisor, department director over pulmonary, cardiology, sleep, hperbaric and neurology services and also oversaw critical care functions as well as invasive and non-invasive cardiopulmonary diagnostics.

Louis Jimenez, RRT, CHT

About The Author

Louis Jimenez, RRT, CHT

Louis' experience spans adult, pediatric, and neonatal critical care. In addition, Mr. Jimenez also has experience in cardiopulmonary invasive and noninvasive diagnostics as well as in the field of hyperbaric medicine. He was also a professor teaching cardiopulmonary physiology, diagnostics, advanced life support and critical care medicine.

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