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Coding From a Physician’s Perspective

Presenter Charles Joseph Wolf MD MEd CPC COC, COC, CPC, Approved-Instructor
Broadcast Date 4/10/2024
Time 10:00am PT / 11:00am MT / 12:00pm CT / 1:00pm ET
Presentation Length 60 minutes
Price $65 (Non-members $85)
Coding From a Physician’s Perspective Webinar

Learn more about this event

Medical coders and auditors must learn to work closely with physicians. This requires understanding a physician’s perspective on coding. Though this perspective might vary from physician to physician, there are some general conclusions that can be made about most physicians’ perspectives on coding.
This webinar will explore the psyche and perspective of physicians on coding. Attendees will learn how to better communicate important coding concepts with physicians including modifiers, NCCI edits, and the sub-components of evaluation and management medical decision making.

Learning Objectives/Agenda

• What are the initial thoughts and perspectives that most physicians have about coding and why?
• Discuss methods and approaches to successfully communicate with physicians about coding.
• Avoid common mistakes when communicating with physicians about documentation or coding deficiencies found during monitoring or auditing.
• Discuss useful analogies and examples that help physicians understand NCCI edits and modifiers
• Learn how physicians approach medical decision making and how that relates to E/M MDM level selection.

Why is this topic important?

Today, physicians are often squeezed between tight revenue cycle margins and compliance regulations. This can sometimes lead physicians to viewing coding in a much different way than coders, auditors, revenue cycle professionals and compliance personnel. Gaining insight into how physicians view coding can help coders better communicate and work with physicians in a collaborative manner instead of an adversarial one.

Who would benefit from this topic?

• Medical Coders
• Coding Auditors> • Revenue Cycle Personnel
• Compliance Professionals
• Billers

What is the presenter's background/expertise on this topic?

Dr. Wolf an MD by schooling but has worked full-time as a certified medical coder and compliance professional for 25 years. He understands a clinician’s viewpoint on coding but also understands what it is like to audit and educate physicians on coding, documentation, billing, and compliance. He has worked full-time for Intermountain Healthcare, MD Anderson Cancer Center, the University of Texas System medical schools and health institutions and has worked for an international medical device company. For the last 6-7 years he has worked as a university professor at a medical school and provide coding, auditing and compliance consulting services to clients throughout the country.

Charles Joseph Wolf MD MEd CPC COC, COC, CPC, Approved-Instructor

About The Author

Charles Joseph Wolf MD MEd CPC COC, COC, CPC, Approved-Instructor

CJ Wolf is an experienced compliance officer, medical coder, and healthcare educator with over 24 years of professional experience. Dr. Wolf currently teaches at two universities, provides consulting services, and creates online learning experiences for medical coders at He has worked full-time in various coding, billing, and compliance roles for Intermountain Healthcare, MD Anderson Cancer Center, and the University of Texas System, and also as Chief Compliance Officer for an international medical device company.

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