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Ask & Learn: The Implications of the Recent DOJ (Department of Justice) Compliance Updates in 2023

Presenter Sandra Kay Giangreco Brown, COC, CPC, CPC-I, COBGC
Broadcast Date 9/27/2023
Time 10:00am PT / 11:00am MT / 12:00pm CT / 1:00pm ET
Presentation Length 60 minutes
Price $65 (Non-members $85)
Ask & Learn: The Implications of the Recent DOJ (Department of Justice) Compliance Updates in 2023 Webinar

DOJ Compliance Updates Webinar: Enhancing Healthcare Fraud Prevention

This webinar will review the Department of Justice Compliance Updates released in March of 2023 are intended to be a tool for the prosecutors to utilize when they are investigating cases of potential healthcare fraud or abuse. We will review the importance of having a corporate compliance plan and the three questions provided by the DOJ that the prosecutor would be asking regarding a practice or facility’s compliance plan.
In addition, we will discuss the DOJ Compliance Updates which focus heavily on the risk management of the electronic communication channels, policies and procedures for these channels which includes the monitoring of the devices. Best practice for implementing or updating your current Compliance program, policies, procedures, monitoring, and investigations. This will include information regarding the required training that will be needed for all staff and providers.

Get answers to these questions plus many more! Come to the live webinar prepared with questions for the presenters

• How can I make my mobile phone or tablet “personal devices” more secure?
• Can or should Compliance Officers be performing audits of personal devices?
• What is recommended for training employees?
• Who do I contact if I notice that there is a breech in security on my personal device? What do I do?

Why is this topic important?

• Access to Telehealth has potential to expose the practice or facility to risk with security when multiple types of devices or vendor platforms are being utilized to provide services to patients.
• World functioning remotely, greater increase in the past four years, which increases risk due to lack of security or monitoring.
• Cybersecurity breeches increasing dramatically – (add in how many in recent months)

Who would benefit from this topic?

• Coders (Inpatient, Outpatient, Professional Fee, Facility, Risk Management
• Internal Audit department
• Auditors
• Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialists
• Compliance Officers
• Analysts
• Practice or Office Managers
• Department Managers (Clinical Departments ex: Radiology, Emergency Dept, Nursing, Anyone providing Telehealth)
• Providers
• HIM Directors and Managers
• Billing Managers & staff, Billers
• Revenue Cycle Managers & staff
• Legal Counsel
• Consultants working collaborative with healthcare systems

Sandra Kay Giangreco Brown, COC, CPC, CPC-I, COBGC

About The Author

Sandra Kay Giangreco Brown, COC, CPC, CPC-I, COBGC

Sandy is the Director of Coding & Revenue Integrity at CLA, where she manages and develops relationships with portfolio companies, providers, compliance, and coding staff; provides auditing services; and performs education sessions for both client staff and providers. Brown has more than 35 years of experience in healthcare and medical records management, coding, auditing, and compliance in the hospital, outpatient, and physician settings. She loves presenting and sharing education and continues to teach both nationally and locally in her areas of specialty including ob-gyn, general surgery, cardiology, anesthesia, E/M, oncology, and radiology coding. Brown is a frequent presenter for AAPC, AHIMA, HCCA, and others and she teaches courses for AAPC.


Joanne Spethman, CPC

As a Health Information Professional with 30 years of experience, my expertise includes inpatient and professional coding, CDI and HCC auditing. I also provide education and training to coders, clinical documentation improvement specialists and providers regarding compliance with ICD-10-CM and PCS coding guidelines and updates. I have provided individual and group coding support for day to day questions at every company I have worked. Additionally, I am currently a member of the AAPC compliance committee assisting as a subject matter expert with coding questions as well as writing and editing educational content. 


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