AAPC - Advancing the Business of Healthcare

Virtual conference

HEALTHCON International 2024 A world of learning. All in a day. November 9th 2024.
Questions? Speak with a representative.

HEALTHCON International 2024

HEALTHCON International 2024 provides a prime opportunity to engage with key influencers in the healthcare industry. You'll have direct access to decision-makers wielding significant purchasing power within their respective companies.  

You’ll get to drive awareness for your business, network, and connect to the people who matter most to you — including coders, auditors, revenue managers, and compliance professionals. 

 If you're interested in sponsoring the 2024 event, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at info@aapcinternational.com.

We'll be updating this page with the latest list of sponsors and exhibitors for the 2024 event in the coming months. 

Platinum sponsors

HEALTHCON International Platinum sponsors will enjoy:

  • 5 conference admissions

  • Up to 60% discount on group purchases

  • 1 full page program ad

  • Logo on HEALTHCON International Platinum sponsors section

  • "Conference Sponsored by:" logo on email communications to over 50k members

  • Branded email sent on sponsors behalf to attendees

  • Branded social media post to more than 35k subscribers

  • Dedicated online presence to exhibit products and network with attendees

  • One-time brand space in AAPC the Magazine with reach to over 200K members worldwide

Gold sponsors

HEALTHCON International Gold sponsors will enjoy:

  • 3 conference admissions

  • Up to 40% discount on group purchases

  • 1 half page program ad

  • Logo on HEALTHCON International Gold sponsors section

  • Logo on footer of email communications to over 50k members

  • Branded email sent on sponsors behalf to attendees

  • Branded social media post to more than 35k subscribers

Silver sponsors

HEALTHCON International Silver sponsors will enjoy:

  • 2 conference admissions

  • Up to 30% discount on group purchases

  • 1 quarter page program ad

  • Logo on HEALTHCON International Silver sponsors section

Past sponsors/exhibitors

  • ArcMed Logo
  • Epicsource Logo
  • Quintessence Logo - 2
  • ThoughtFlows Logo
  • Optum
  • Joshi Medicode Technologies Logo