Wiki Well child checks


Bismarck, ND
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What is the correct code to bill for well child checks performed in the first year of life? Is there a guideline somewhere that states that it is inappropriate to bill the 99381 for the first well child visit and then bill 99391 for all additional well child checks up to age 12 months with ICD-9 of V20.2?

Thank you in advance for any assistance given.

Well child

The first 28 days have diff dx. V20.31 0-7 days v20.32 8-28 days. After that its v20.2. I have always billed 99381 for the babies initial visit unless seen by our drs in hospital, then 99391 for the rest of the visits. I haven't had any problem with payment either. Hope this helps. :)
well child visits

The "well visits" or Preventative Medicine codes are mainly driven by the age of the patient at the time of the visit encounter. The guidelines are found in the CPT code book in the Evaulation and Management section.

The 99381 - initial comprehensive preventive medicine code - is a new patient "younger than 1 year." This code also requires the appropriate key components.