Wiki Vaginal Hyst with a bladder surg (sling)


melbourne, FL
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I have a 2 doctor office that performs and bills for vaginal hysts and slings. The problem is that if one doctor is the primary for the hyst then the other doctor is the primary for the sling and they assist each other. Both are qualified to do both surgeries. For example, Dr A performs a vag hyst on his patient and Dr B assists, then Dr B performs the sling and Dr A assists. Then if Dr B has a patient he will perform the hyst and Dr A assists, and assist Dr A with the sling. Is this correct coding? By doing this the docotrs increase the reimbursement by about $389.00. I was told by the Office Manager that they do this to shorten the time the patient is under anesthesia and that it does increase reimbursement. I keep thinking this is not right but need some backup. HELP Lynn Kimsey, CPC, CPMA, CPC-I, CEMC