Wiki Vaccine Administration-Multiple


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I am extremely new to vaccine administration coding. When multiple vaccines are given, do you bill out the 90460, and then each additional vaccine is billed at 90461?

Thank you
no. if counseling is done by m.d., then each vaccine gets a 90460. 90461 is used if there is more than one component. example: MMR 90707 would get one 90460 and a 90461 with 2 units. this only applies to pts under 19 years.
if multiple vaccines are given you also have the option of grouping admin codes together. some payors require this. example: mmr + inj. polio + hepA = 90460 with 3 units + (1) 90461 with 2 units. if this is only clear as mud, please feel free to ask additional ?'s. aap has a great laminated chart for pediatric immunization coding. it includes codes, dx , #of components and a little cheat section that breaks down the codes. hope this helps. ljb