Wiki V22.1


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Please Help- I have a patient that was a problem OB patient and during the visit 76805 was performed. The dx was 656.63 for excessive growth - for the next two months the Dr. did 76805 each time on the OV's - with a dx as V22.1 - I am having denials for the two with the V22.1 dx ( the insurance is saying there is a more specific dx code to use) Any ideas to help me ? I really am confused on this. Thank you so much for your help!
I would go back and ask your doctor to document what the indication was. If she was orignally diagnosed for excessive growth, he probably wanted her back in 2-4 weeks to recheck the growth. If she is still showing large, you would use the 656.63 diagnosis, not V22.1 which is basically telling the insurance that this is a normal pregnancy. If the issue with the growth has resolved, or is now in normal range, try V89.04 which is suspected issue with growth not found. But remember your doctor has to document that the growth is either abnormal or resolved. Try that and see where you get.
How would you bill if a 76805 was being done, but due to position of baby there was a limited view? Would you bill 76815 instead?