Wiki Texas Medicaid new patient "nurse visit"


Lubbock, Texas
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Our OB clinics have new OB patients see a nurse prior to being appointed with the doc to get history, start prenatal vitamins, receive paperwork on hospital, childbirth classes, etc. We cannot bill a 99211 for an established patient for a New Pateint, and cannot bill a 99211 as "incident to" if established patient with new pregnancy has not yet seen a dr and has an established treatment plan. We have not been billing any charge for this service. Our Compliance department is trying to see if our state Medicaid has a code that they "allow" for a nurse to see a New Patient prior to seeing a doctor. Could not be incident to, and I have said that there is no New Patient E&M code that is like the 99211 "nurse visit" code for establsihed patients. Can anyone tell me if you know of ANY such code that is billable for services rendered by a nurse or other ancillary staff only for a NEW PATIENT???? I need to give my Compliance department some direction since our new Compliance officer has no coding background. Would appreciate any comments:confused: