Wiki Superbill format


El Paso, TX
Best answers
I have a dispute between one of the doctors in our practice and the office manager over the format of the superbill used in the office. Does the superbill need to have the rendering providers name printed on it or is a signature enough? Currently we are printing the doctors name per the appointment schedule but if another doctor is free to see the patient then they sign the superbill creating a discrepancy between the printed doctor's name and the signature.

Are there legal requirements for the superbill or is it just an internal document?
A superbill is an internal document only, used by practices as a communication tool between providers and billers and is not part of the patient's permanent record. In fact, many practices do not even use these at all any more since the are now paperless technologies available to perform this function.

Any time an audit is conducted, the information on the claim will be validated for accuracy against the signed medical record itself. Payer auditors will not request or review a superbill, and it will not matter what was on it as long as the claim that was submitted for payment accurately reflects the services performed as documented in the patient's chart.
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