Wiki straight stick hysterectomy?


Uncasville, CT
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Normally our practice does 58571 for our hysterectomies with the da vinci, but one of our doctors told our surgery scheduler she would be doing straight stick hysterectomies instead. I couldn't find much information on that online regarding the difference. Would straight stick be considered supracervical hysterectomy, for example 58541, 58542, 58543, 58544?
Thanks so much!
My understanding is that straight stick is the more traditional laparoscopic approach, more common before daVinci robots were in use. These surgeries can be total hysterectomies or supracervical hysterectomies and may or may not also remove tubes and/or ovaries.
IF the physician is performing the entire surgical portion laparoscopically, then you bill 58541-58545 when supracervical or 58570-58573 when total.
The physician MAY be performing a laparoscopic assisted total vaginal hysterectomy, which is 58550-58553.
Basically, the "straight stick" is simply a tool, and your coding is based on what is performed with that tool rather than the tool itself.
If the ligaments/arteries are being transected through the abdominal laparoscope, then use the laparoscopic hysterectomy codes. If the ligaments/arteries are being transected via the vagina with additional visualization/assistance through the abdominal laparoscope, then use the laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy codes.
I hope this helped better explain it. If you still have questions, you will need to supply more information about the surgery.
My understanding is that straight stick is the more traditional laparoscopic approach, more common before daVinci robots were in use. These surgeries can be total hysterectomies or supracervical hysterectomies and may or may not also remove tubes and/or ovaries.
IF the physician is performing the entire surgical portion laparoscopically, then you bill 58541-58545 when supracervical or 58570-58573 when total.
The physician MAY be performing a laparoscopic assisted total vaginal hysterectomy, which is 58550-58553.
Basically, the "straight stick" is simply a tool, and your coding is based on what is performed with that tool rather than the tool itself.
If the ligaments/arteries are being transected through the abdominal laparoscope, then use the laparoscopic hysterectomy codes. If the ligaments/arteries are being transected via the vagina with additional visualization/assistance through the abdominal laparoscope, then use the laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy codes.
I hope this helped better explain it. If you still have questions, you will need to supply more information about the surgery.
thanks so much csperoni!