Wiki Second Castings


Dayton, PA
Best answers

Can anyone set me straight on if we can code for a second cast if in the global period?

I have been given different advise, one says no you can not code for the application for a cast or splint during a global period and some one else says you can.

I was also told that if the patient comes in for a follow up and we take the cast off to x-ray it and put a new on that we do not code for the second cast, however if the patient comes in to have the cast changed due to he got it wet etc. and we have to put a new cast one that we can code for the application of the cast.

I just need to know the rules on this or where to find it.

Thank you,
Good News, You can!

You'll need to bill your application codes with modifier 58. Check with your State Medicaid Program. In Florida, they don't take modifier 58.
You can also bill for the cast supplies!

Don't forget to bill E&M with your closed fx care without manipulation codes, you just need modifier 57 on the E&M. I say this because, I've come across several Coders who only tried billing the E&M with modifier 25. This is not correct because fx care has a 90 day global period. :D
Does the wet cast billing methodology still hold true? Code for cast and/or supply along with correct Dx?

Also, there shouldn't be an E/M code since technically, it is a surgical tech visit. Right?